Cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin


Thanks for asking - now about 10" tall - not sure if it ready to pinch out the middle? Any advice welcome :smiley:

Getting quite excited, starting to smell quite a lot as well :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


You’re outside in the northern hemisphere, it should start flowering soon. I would repot it and bury the stem a bit. Cut off the little leaves on the bottom and bury the stem past that point. Don’t pinch anything now, it’s too late in the season. After you xplant you can train the top down a bit to open up the sides. Tie a loop of string or get some wire and just anchor the top of the plant to the side of the pot.

Add some aeration to your soil mix when you transplant like perlite or rice hulls.

She looks a tag hungry too. Add some nitrogen. I like dry amendments


What do I owe you for this amazing work of art?
The Vegita one :grin:


Thanks for the recommendations - will sort that out tomorrow - bigger pot and some extra feed - got it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Didn’t you win it? It’s been a busy week

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Plus pm’s get lost because nobody changes the title of the message. So I lave a mile long list of messages that say " re: cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin" :laughing:


I don’t think I won anything :confused: :thinking: I did grab some of those Freezelands off of you and then we started talking about your dank doodle bin which I absolutely love the name :rofl:


Have you taken a shot at Cheech Wizard?



It was from take a seed leave a seed. What an adventure that was lol. I need to work on my organization skills

I don’t even know what that is, I had to Google it. Looks like something out of the Maxx. I love it!

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Vaughn Bode had an amazing style and energy. He had work in every National Lampoon in the early 70’s.
…my informative years… :wink:



Ran outa likes…but I love everything you have been doing…keep it up brother




Working outside today. My daughter and her friend swung by so i grilled up some burgers and italian sausages. They swam in the pool while i started work on the other side of the supports. Up on the ladder, nice shot of the garden.

And heres a shot of some of the Cloaked Aurora i have going outside. (Nl x Romulan)

One in a bucket, one in a bed, and one out back by the shed. There’s no shed. It just had to rhyme at that point.

Back to work now!


Beautiful garden! It’s great that you tend while on the mend my friend. Couldn’t help rhyming. Lol :green_heart:

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Love it - Snoopy the flying ace - great doodle @Cannabiscrusader :green_heart: :green_heart: :smiley: :smiley:

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That is one amazing garden - hope your neighbours don’t mind the smell - they must look over the fence and ask for an invite - lol :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks guys! My yard goes down on a slope, so i dug it out and made two levels. The plants are just barely creeping over the fence. Ill get a shot from the other side when i go for a walk later. Only one neighbor i butt heads with, but im bigger than him.


Only one neighbor?
Oh man, I got a few I don’t get along with.
Meth heads think they can come on my property an steal shit, doesn’t work that way in my books. :laughing:
Sometimes I wish I lived in the US. In Canada you aren’t legally allowed to defend your property.
You hurt someone on your property trespassing/stealing your fucked. Worse penalty for defending your properties/personal belongings then the thief will get.