Cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin

Not good news, sorry you lost the Starlite Daydream - the mites seem to like your stuff this year :grimacing: :grimacing:

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Its that time of year, and the cat is probably the culprit. We have him on revolution, which is awesome for fleas and ticks, not so much for mites. My veg is clean, and they only seem to be attaching to certain strains. Those strains were on the way out the door anyways.

Ive fought mites before, i won eventually. This time, with faster finishing strains and the ability to just stick them outside to finish up, i think i will get them cornered and eradicated.


Btw. Kids in the hall was an awesome show. I’ll fight someone over it… just give me 6 weeks to heal up.


You need a big baseball bat and an electric swatter - that will do the ba**ards in!! - lol
:smiley: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


I need a shrink ray and gladiator gear. Imagine all the exp. And copper pieces waiting! I’d destroy every one of those fuckers


Warm OG welcome @Dboybudz :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to OG @Dboybudz - great place to be - great people, excellent information and lots of fun. :smiley: :smiley:


This one got sent back. It says because of insufficient address. Of course they put the sticker over the address. Lmk who got this one and ill put a new address on it and get it back out.


Spy vs Spy…haven’t seen that in a hot minute….hope your healing up smoothly brother


Getting there man. Chest hurt more at first, but that healed quick. Now my groin is just sore. It will be for 3 weeks or more. Its right in the same spot they had my femeral artery hooked up to a bypass machine for the transplant. I remember that shot hurt for a long damn time.

Hardest part now is if i stand too long my back locks up because im still hunched a bit as i heal. Back locks up, then i get muscle spasms and my chest tightens up. Lots of laying around and easing into things. Sucks, because thats not me. Im usually go go go. Very frustrating.

But i need to temember to take it easy and give myself time to heal so im not right back where i started. No worse suffering than the needless kind.

How is your apartment search going with your buddy?


Made it downstairs this morning. Kitty wanted some catnip i jarred up for him.

Did a quick garfield. Fucked the colors up a but, but not bad for the first one back


Glad to see you’re up and moving around CC :+1: always a tough time recovering from surgery - double without the pain meds! :exploding_head: Last time I got cut open my doc gave me meds but then also recommended Tylenol AND Ibuprofen combined, following the normal OTC instructions. After 2-3 days I was done with the pain meds, doing fine with just the OTC combo (plus lots of edibles :yum: ) It was somehow the quickest recovery I’ve had from a surgery. Even faster recovery than when I had my wisdom teeth removed!

Also it looks like a big welcome is in order :clap: for our new guest
Welcome to OG @Dboybudz !


Thanks man! Took care of the outdoor this morning. Sprayed it down while it was still wet with dew. Couple drops of soap in the spray is a must. It turns all that dew into extra spray for ya!

Kitty even got outside too!

Then it was on to an hour nap on the couch. Its looking more like a 2 hour nap… :crazy_face:


Glad your feeling better and able to get some stuff done….good to hear, stay up brother


Hope your feeling more better everyday mate, all the best on your recovery. Smooth is right ppl got some doodle skills around here :grin::call_me_hand:


Drew one last night. Still a bit shaky, but mending up


Glad to see that you are on the road to recovery, CC.


Glad your on the mend @Cannabiscrusader …I only wish the best for you


Thanks guys! Getting some mobility back, trying to take it easy.

Farm aid next weekend! That means… its time to chop the cripXmas tester. Should be just enough for a pocket full of prerolls.

Bear in mind that i came back from the hospital to a mite infestation. I went scorched earth. No mites in site. What happened was I used a stronger solution of the hypochlorousacid with some dish soap. Killed mites and eggs, havent seen one since. I really drenched them though, every day for this past week. She held up well considering. Weaker phenos wound up fried and outside half alive.

Keepers i’ve found look to be alot more productive and genetically stable, so im excited the see those finish up in 4 more weeks. These had the same treatment for mites and they held up great.

Then we have the rooted cripxmas clones right behind them vegging away. Ill be taking a bunch of clones off of those and hopefully get ahead of plant count to fill the tents up. They finish so fast its going to be hard to stay on top of. Definatelty a good problem to have.

I think next up is pressure skunk



Glad you are starting to feel a little better and have nuked the mites, looks like the keepers are tough and are looking good, good luck with the clones, stay mite free and keep doodling :smiley: :smiley: