Cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin

I was outside early this morning spraying the dew with hypochlorous acid spray. Why fight it with a leaf blower when you can weaponize it with a spritz. Plants are looking splendid, frosting and swelling quickly now. Of course my phone was at %5 so a choice was made beteeen music and pictures.


Freeze 7. Its been difficult to place the smell on this one, but i think i finally conered it. It smells like a funky multivitamin.

Some mother of berry


Cloaked Aurora, over by the pool

Hard to get a good shot outside when i cant see the screen. They look way better in person, and the smell is beginning to perfume the neighborhood. Smells like sweet funky earthy dank sticky goodness. Poachers beware



Just had to go scream at my neighbor for yelling at my kids again. Fucker had a golf club. I called him a fat dickless prick. Informed him that nobody on the block likes him because hes a fucking asshole. Never yell at my kids again, dont talk to me or my wife. And most importantly, fuck off.

He waddled his fat ass back into the house and accused me of doing things that are “illegal” new york is legal now. What fucking world is he living in.

I know i just had the surgery last week, but i was fully prepared to make sure he was going to need some to remove that golf club.

He said my kids cut him off at the end of the block. He would have been at the stop sign. Ive never been cut off when i was at a stop sign before… because im usually stopped… at the stop sign.

I love yelling at people.


He can get bent.


I bet he does. Hes like 5’-4" 260lbs and his wife looks like a dude


don’t make me spit out my coffee. That comment is hilarious. Hope your healing up well and enjoying the nice weather lately


Good looking out for your family


Sounds like a weeble -

Set your cat on him - he is one serious warrior (or at least get it to crap in his garden)
:smiley: :green_heart:


I signed on to be a supporter. Only $5 a month, you can do $3 a month now too. I figure i spend more on stamps every day, so why not. Plus, dark mode is awesome! No more late night bright screen in my face.


Well, somebody is feeling better, lol.


Superjail! And Earthworm Jim :+1: :ok_hand:

Hope your recovering well mate. All the best :v:


Feeling much better. Still a bit sore and i cant twist my core or sleep on my side yet, but mending splendidly.

My wife rolled her own joints last night, and she left me a little doodle!

Im also considering entering the new york growers cup next year. Ill be working the Meltdown crossed with @OriginalDankmaster96 cripxmas this winter to get it dialed in. They need 2 zips and $200 to enter


Finding a bunch of bud rot on the mother of berry. Its almost done, but the foggy adirondack mornings are not treating them well. Mob is out of my line up now, outdoors anyways.

My Meltdown continues to thrive. Super happy with that one. Freeze 7 also doing great.

Meltdown grows wide like a bush its at least 7’ wide, about 7’ tall too. Purple everywhere, needs maybe another week to 10 days.

Freeze 7 is the tallest at about 12’. Nice plant, but lacks potency. I dont care for the smell either. As someone who has to take a multivitamin every day, and as someone who thriws up multiviamins at least twice a week. Not my jam. But its a great producer and people like it for some reason.

Black triangle is going to take too long to finish i think. Just cut my indoor keeper at 12 weeks.


Yup, I definitely knew it. Just being the bud is smaller confirms the A phenotype F3. So the plants hold well to mites, that IS IMPRESSIVE. Another good selling point. I’ll never forget a hillbilly in WV that gave me a blueberry clone infested with mites and stupidly didn’t quarantine before introducing to the grow room. They aren’t called the borg for nothing :roll_eyes: I remember I tried a lot of recommend products but finally got hot pepper wax spray and eradicated the infestation. Im looking foward to hearing what the impression is at Farm Aid. The unexpected but welcome surprise of the event :evergreen_tree::fire:


The two keepers that were the more stable of the group were definately resistant to the mites. They also held up great to the treatment, high temp, and i let the humidity get up to %60. The more verigated and miscolored looking phenos were too sensitive.

Dankmasters crippy also held up great. The one that had the built in self topping feature. That one was cloned and put into flower a few days ago.

6 pressure skunk popped and went into cups last night. 3 more were ready today, but ill give them until tonight to see if the other 4 pop. Perfect time of year to start some new beans


Yup I’ve always been under the impression genetics are hardier than I actually know, and the mite incident is evidence. Weak plants don’t make it past the insatiable borg long. So it’s good we got another unexpected lab test with pest, which was an unknown variable. I just told someone not to start their seed until they get to about 60-65% humidity so good to hear plants can tolerate slightly wetter air

Awesome to hear about pressure skunk. Seeds cured better over time from the germination test. Look like no one will need to crack them like I first thought :sweat_smile:

For anyone who hasn’t seen it, she’s becoming the standout as I suspected :yum:


Outdoor got a spray down today. Pm is creeping in on my sons plant that they dont take care of. They are getting evicted from my garden next year. Ive only seen it on the black triangle so far.

Black triangle

Mother of Berry


Look how big this meltdown is. Mother of berry on either side of the meltdown

5 gal bucket for size comparison

A view from the back corner. Freeze 7 is against the fence.

There are two freeze 7 in the back row. Giant plants. The meltdown in front of them completely blocks them both out except for a few tops. Not a spot of bud rot, and almost done

Chernobyl x appy

Time to take the kitty for a short walk. I think im healed up enough to go to pac forest. No assholes with golf clubs there anyways.

Time to roll a purple punch j and take a hike


Few walk pics. I take them for my wife. She works nights as a pca, and she just started a 10 month lpn course. So she gets about 20 hrs of sleep every week.


Those walking trails look nice and peaceful! @Cannabiscrusader