Cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin

@Cannabiscrusader the Spencers Gift I grew out was the (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) cross. I got 2 pheno out of 3 seeds. 2 were lanky sativa leaning but produces tons of flower sites on the upper half of the plant. The other pheno that was shorter resisted stretch even with the light being over 24" from the top of canopy. This was a male plant so i harvested pollen from him and also pollinated part of my BagSeedBitch mom plant which I intend to explore.

When i smelt the top veg portion of the Afghani leaning plant I could pick out a hashy smell which i associated to when i smelt other Afghani leaning plants (I hope its Chemo leaning for its powerful pain dulling effect Ive experienced in the past)

I also had a Lanky pheno male which ive also harvested pollen from for maybe a futureproject if I like the effect experienced from the lanky female progeny or perhaps self her out.

I will be kicking it into flower whenever my BagSeedBitch mother plant finishes its this cycle of seed production (within the next 2 weeks).

When i start I’ll link you to my grow jounal


Got both mobs chopped and hung. Ill be cleaning them as i go. Now starts sticky finger season for the next 3 weeks or more. I played the shit out of my guitar the past week, because i wont be able to until everything is in jars. I cant work with gloves on.

@Lobstah wile e coyote ready to go


Thanks @Cannabiscrusader forthe Giveaway…last run I had 7 plants flowering 5 different strains…not including the veg tent/clones/seedlings.

Good luck to everyone involved and you created a great conversation topic…


My wife picked #13. So congrats to @Fortman420 !

Lmk your doodle request and pm me your address

I couldnt figure out how to close the wiki, so it got deleted… whoops


Just got back from another long day of driving to the doctor. All good, he had to drain some fluid off my chest, but he said its normal from the mesh. Lots of bloodwork, tanking blood pressure. Long day for sure.

But i got a doodle in. Heading to the post office tomorrow.


Meltdown coming down tomorrow, a few indoor plants too.


All letters were mailed out this morning. Than you everyone for your patience.

Meltdown came down. Seeing some rot on a few nugs, but nothing too crazy. Now we trim, trim, trim


Your doing good things brother…stay on the mend…love you around here


Its nice being where my posts arent flagged every other day.


Man RIU is not going good now. Mods are taking over! Freaking Sunni,why they have dedicated political threads is nuts. I just happened to catch another idiot saying something so decided to read and see her post republicans are all racist and want to take women’s rights away. I just left. Then someone makes a take a pack leave a pack thread and she and other mods are butting in on this. A guy said I’ll leave this and take those. Then post a pic of plant from his gear and they start squabbling. Then a guy goes I got a 8 pack of fems something for a certain strain. So a another guy goes are you offering those he goes no just thinking out loud. The guy who created thread is flipped out on em. Then mods come back,lol what a mess


Manufactured drama ‘harshes my buzz’ too…
…that and willful ignorance…:face_with_spiral_eyes:



Just like school on Sunday over there, no class


Worlds largest garage sale in my town this weekend. Lots of waking up to make sure no fuckers are ganking my plants. Sooo many people in my tiny town right now. Ill get a pic when the wife and i go out for a peruse about town


Always a stressful time right near the end of season. I paranoid as well waiting for things to finish up


Yo CC! :raised_hands: Doodle & beans received

This is so great. Gonna find a spot for it in the grow space tomorrow :v:


Just catching up here bud life’s been busy kicking my arse lately. You’re putting out some beautiful crosses mate well done :+1:. I did eye spy you’re above ground pool, Mrs Herb and myself are looking at putting one in for the kids when we can…any tips or tricks with them? :sunglasses::green_heart:

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Tricks putting one up, or maintaining?

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Last pile of mail got delivered quick!

@Flower your slaps came in today! I didnt know you were sending a pallet full in one envelope. I thought i ordered an encyclopedia britanica collection. Thanks so much! Ill be sending you a few of my recent crosses as a thankyou. Choose your doodle!

Been harvesting and cleaning plants all this week. I still have 4 more to do. Man my fingers are sticky.

I see a lot of people buying all sorts of cleaner for their Scissors. Its a waste of money. Just use big Scissors and clean them off with a razor blade. If you need them spotless for whatever reason, just use nail polish remover and a paper towel after the razor blade. Just the blade works great, and it takes almost a whole 8’ plant before i need to clean them off.


Heres some black triangle with a fresh haircut before she goes to hang in the garage.

That was from 2 branches. The rest is already in the garage. Im running out of room and i still have 5 plants left to clean. Good problem to have… hopefully i have enough jars :crazy_face:


Putting up mainly, we have looked after/maintained a pool before.

That is some really cool washing on your line @Cannabiscrusader - wish I was there to assist and be your taste (or rather smoke) tester - lol
Hope you are feeling much better - keep chopping :smiley: :smiley: