Cannabiscrusaders dank doodle bin

Damn pen ran out of ink, and I forgot to make his upper lip a different shade.



Wife drew a tattoo!


Just landed today. Thanks for the awesome doodle and beans! Made my friggin day man!


That’s a mighty fine doodle if I do say so myself, Garfield looking as baked as I am right now.

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Glad everything got to you safe, I’d expect nothing less from POWDERED TOAST MANNNN!!

Thanks mang! I find I need to get completely baked, or feel like absolute garbage. Or else they come out all lopsided and wonky. I must fully embrace the process. I’m going to need a new pen, and more lighters


I went for it. Got my #7 purple mommy pheno outside! She’s going to look so lovely and purple in the summer sun! My sons might take the #6 pheno. Nugs are smaller, but it finishes quick and very purple too. Wish my dad had like 5 plants for me to pick from. I’d be digging 5 holes!



can you do Janice from the Muppets?


Hell yeah. I gotta get back to town to see what my plants are looking like. Been gone too long


Hopefully the lion has been looking over them. He looks like he belongs on a totem pole for 2 spotted mite warding


Do a killer klowns from outer space one!


Me too, I’m a retired IBEW electrician from Michigan and spent a great deal of my 20 year
career in GM plants and factories. The job I retired on was still going strong when I retired and that was the was the FRIB at MSU. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. It’s an atom collider that was going to be used by physicists from around the world to test their projects. Very detailed work and much different than any of the other large industrial jobs I worked on. Very cool to be part of.

The downside to being an IBEW electrician and working large industrial jobs was the random drug tests. Once I was in and started schooling one day a week coupled with working jobs under the tutorship of a licensed electrician, I had to quit smoking weed for the 20 years I was in the IBEW. It wasn’t worth losing such a high paying job with pensions and bennies by smoking a doob now and then. I missed it a little as I had been smoking everyday since I was a teen.

Some other electricians I knew would cheat when a drug test was required by having some urine from someone they knew that didn’t smoke. I did not want to risk it so I quit. It was easy to do compared to quitting cigarettes which I did three times before it stuck. That was back in '88 and looking back, I can’t believe I ever used to
smoke them vile things.

Also looking back, I would not have changed a thing. Now that I’m retired, and recreational use and growing is legal in Michigan, which is not the same as federal law which always trumps state laws, I’m still glad I lived to see the day when I could legally grow.

Your friend and my wife are working out the details for the pet portraits he wants done. I gave him her email address to discuss the particulars.

Thanks for what you do kind Sir. Never change.


I second that


I can’t change. My ex wife told me I had to, she’s gone now off trying to change someone else lol. I’m also IBEW, got my 25 year pin the other day. Our stories are nearly identical, cigs and all. I quit weed like you did, it wasn’t worth losing everything over. We went 2 nights a week up here in lu 236. I took up drinking, and I was a bad fish.

I was a forman when I had to medically retire. I was working on Global Foundries, a computer chip plant here in Luther forest NY


Your project sounds way more fun. I love bending conduit. From 1/2" emt to 4" Rob Roy. Concentric bends in visible high traffic areas was my jam


Local 665 out of the capital city area for me. I also spent a few years driving a service van
loaded with about everything I might need to do job. Running a service van made me a much better electrician as I ran into all kinds of cobbled diy jobs that had made the repair worse than it would have been if they had just called a reputable electrician in the first place.

I used to love admiring my pipe work in large control rooms where the 855 and triple nickle
(555) were used for the large emt. I even got to do some large industrial jobs with rigid which is an art form in itself. The only time I traveled for work was when our local had
around half of our members on the books waiting for work. I traveled and hour and 15 minutes each day to work at a semi conductor plant in our state. Ran some work there.
I love running conduit and being very proud of how neat and professional it looked when I was done.

In our apprenticeship, ASK was drummed into us from the start. Attitude, Skill, Knowledge.
I had that in spades before I ever became and electrician or showed up on the job site.

What used to drive me nuts, is another electrician that had done some shoddy pipe work
in a plant like the one GM built not far from my home town. I heard one electrician talking to another about the quality, or should I say lack there of, of his pipe work. His response was “Looks good from my house”. That is another way of saying I know it could be better but I don’t care.

That attitude is one that did not sit well with me. We were paid top dollar to do premium work. Doing quality work is a mind set. You either have it or you don’t. It is instilled in one
early on in ones life and reflects in everything one does on the job. Quality workmanship
begins long before one shows up at a job site. The largest industrial job I worked on with
my time with the IBEW was building a GM plant from the ground up. I worked on that one with about 500 other electricians represented by a dozen contractors for 3 years. I have some pipe runs there I would sign my name to figuratively speaking. I took great pride in
my work.

The IBEW is responsible for my wonderful country home post retirement, as without the money I managed to save, I would not have been able to afford our present home. Also electricians jobs cannot be outsourced. Only had one bad year with unemployment but it was across the board in '08/'09. That’s when I traveled to work at the Hemlock semi conductor plant. Given my choices, I would do it all over again,
but start a little earlier in life to take advantage of the generous pensions.
Glad to meet another brother.


Attitude skill and knowledge. I’m working on my fucking attitude. I would put that as my answer for that question on every mid term and final thought all 5 years lol. I only quit smoking after the apprenticeship. I remember having to read a question 5 or 6 times during a test I was so baked.

Doing homework in the parking lot after work, staying up with the baby all night, then off to work at 5am! I don’t miss one bit of it.

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the doodles are pretty sick. let me get space ghost if you have time


IGOTTHESEBEANS, MAN. And this great drawing of a spooky Sassy. Thanks again for the guessing game, and the chance to grow these out. I’m starting to need a big frame to fill with a collage of all the cool swag OG’s send- slaps and drawrings and all. Thanks for this major addition there, too.
Stay up


Sick, glad the made it safe! Enjoy

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Looking FANTASTIC and the drawing is amazing too

Keep it up bro-ski

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