Introducing myself

High all,

Kind of stumbled on this website and gotta say, it’s blowing my mind a little to see this up and running.

I was actually one of the Moderators on the original about 20 years ago. I was still on staff when the site was shut down by the Canadian authorities in 2006, if anyone is familiar with the history.

What a different world. Overgrow was like the Wild West, worldwide, back then. Folks were figuring out stealthy ways to mail clones and seeds to each other without getting caught. Literally TENS of thousands of growers were on the site at the same time, exchanging information in the growrooms or trolling each other in the Shark Tank. lol

Even with 2-3 dozen members on staff (TOG / Team Overgrow-cool to see you’re still using that name), we still couldn’t keep up with the activity. It was a VERY busy forum site.

I have no idea when you guys started the site up again, but it’s great to see it here and I wish you guys all the best. Sharing info and having a community around this stuff was an amazing time for me. It’s both nice and weird to see this and it’s a fun trip down memory lane for me for something that kind of consumed my life for a number of years back in the day.

I’m not sure how active I will be here, but I will probably poke around in the rooms from time to time to get caught up. It’s also been a while since I’ve grown and things have changed a bit in that regard as well. I’m thinking of designing a new cabinet, so there’s that.

I’m also a tad interested to see if any of the of the old names I used to know are still blowing around somewhere. I’ve pretty much lost touch with everyone.

Just wanted to say “high” and that is so cool to see the OG masthead flying again.



Hey mate,

welcome back,

Hope you stick around! Glad to see you back here as an older member


read this. it sums it up nicely. @greenmonster714 was a mod back then, i was on regularly as well. welcome home.

edit: different username. illegal and all that.


Welcome back to OG 2.0 @marcus_membrain happy to have you back! I didn’t know of this site in the old days but it is home for me now.


welcome back as for same been away for a couple of years…good to be back :grinning:


Hard outta likes.

Welcome and welcome back, @marcus_membrain! smile1 You may want to poke around in the original members thread.


Welcome back to OG 2.0 @marcus_membrain happy to have you back! I didn’t know of this site in the old days but it is home for me now.


Welcome back to OG @marcus_membrain , glad you decided to join us. Here are some threads that may interest you while you are poking around. :v:


Welcome back!


Thanks everyone, I did stumble on the original OG member thread after I posted this thread. I definitely saw some familiar names and a few friends. Good to be here!


Welcome back. I wasn’t on OG v 1.0, but am always down to watch a nice cabinet build!! :hammer:

Glad you decided to join us at the new OG, @marcus_membrain place is a bit different than the old one.