Capulator Dirt Letter

Anyone here a members of Cap’s Dirt Letter club??? Figure some are, i have an account and did a grow at BB a few years back. Curious as to the offerings he has…


Nope. I have an account on bean basement too but I can’t see paying to be on a forum like that when forums like this one have more & better info made publicly available.

The value isn’t there, despite getting a few packs of beans included with the fee. Even getting capulator’s SOPs aren’t worth it. Dude’s SOPs led to fucking up his own “cap’s cup” to the point where he had to nuke the room to get rid of the infestation.

Miss me with that.


Agree, site is dead, 12 same people post. I joined BB because i was banned from here for a spell. Since back here i have no use for BB. Was curious about his warez’s is all. Sent him several messages with no response. Guess cause im not paying he does not reply…who needs that shit ???


I was in a discord with someone who had it and it sounds like even in the paid level there’s a lot of empty promises around cuts and stuff. So really you’re getting a couple packs of seeds and a special banner on the site.


yeah about what I figured spouting bullshit and promises that are never kept


Those 3 packs are a $600 value tho! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

@Jetdro I did get the email, but no mention of any specific beans or cuts or anything in there. Just the standard spiel.


yeah of course that’s why I posted I got the letter too and followed all the way up to the point where I had to pay just to see if he would show the seed selection or the cut or clone and of course nothing to be seen.

His rep is built on being such a standup dude and so different than everyone in the industry but from what I’ve seen that’s not the case

not dissing the guy just saying he’s playing the same game everyone else does

i’ve got his cut, and growing it plenty of times I’ve also seen him run it and the man can grow I’ve seen a dialed run by him that I could not match here so I’m not doubting him as a grower or a breeder or a seed chucker or anything else.

I’ve got all of my tents cranking right now in flower when they are done I’m gonna do them all full up with baked beans stuff.

as you know holy we have plenty of excellent breeders right here I really don’t see any point in paying money to be able to buy his beans.

but it’s a $600 value

but wait that’s not all

if you pay now…




I’m a member there, paid last year to get some of his genetics, particularly Mac v2, only because I couldn’t find his stuff anywhere at the time. I don’t see myself paying again. I don’t think the value is there - definitely not for the additional forum access. Though there is one thread called random stuff in indoor grows that is packed with interesting info, mostly from one guy that runs mind blowingly massive grows, something like a thousand lights.

I appreciate his genetics, but between the much more affordable breeders (like bodhi, jaws, hoss, etc) and the crazy amount of seeds given out here for free, it’s tough to justify. Not to mention I probably already have more seeds than I’ll ever grow. There are a lot of interesting clone offers for continuing membership, but with low plant count limits and traveling throughout the year, it’s not something that appeals to me.

His marketplace is offline till today, and not sure I’ll have access when it comes back. It did have several seed and cut options (maybe 25ish?), half of which I didn’t see anywhere else. As you probably know he also has a website ( where seeds end up a while after they’re offered on the basement, and hembra sells his stuff - I think they do a 40% off site wide on veterans day.

I respect his hustle. He has carved out a very lucrative space for himself, and he seems like a reasonable, decent guy to me. He definitely has a strong following, that loves what he’s putting out.

I would like a pack of his strawberry pines.


I let mine go, also.
I had talked with a few folks, that I had set up gardens for, if they wanted to pool our bucks together, and get some stuff, the first year.
I was not paying $240.00 - $400.00 for a gripe of beans, that I was seeing them sit in the various shops for.
When Santero, said, hey I think Escobar is back on line at BB, when Sannies was still alive, I took off, like my ass was on fire! I missed the hell out him and his posts! Did my time with a Put Up or Shut Up, thread.
I do love the Haze Battle thread over there!
I knew nothing of Tom Hill, never grew anything of his out. But that rascal, knows some shit about Haze, and breeding. I just lurk and read, and take notes.
I enjoy Bean Basement, my self, I love getting the perspective from some of the big players, how they fertilize, what numbers they use.
That has for me, taught me, I’ll never go into any dispensary anywhere, for buds…ever.
I’ll never use (again) those numbers to feed my plants. It’s all about appearance of bud.
I’ll sacrifice some size for taste anytime myself.