Carty's Artistic Edge

Another kitty for a good friend

Another hour of coloring in highlights


Mad respect and thank you for that nice invite. Your quite the artist man… I do have a set of acrylics but I’m a virgin to the medium…
And thank you for only posting the single photo here, your work makes mine look blah

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Don’t be so hard on yourself man, just different mediums and substrates, if you went over to synthetic paper you could get a lot more detail and depth, not that, that is nessacary, background colors also can make a big difference to how ones work looks, it’s all practice. I have been painting 35 years, 16 years now on airbrushes. Just keep learning little techniques that can make life easier and keep yourself improving your style.

I am never satisfied with my work, I am always striving for better with new techniques and stencils to improve detail.

When you get around to using your acrylics you will find they dry out very quickly on your pallete. I used an old square Ferrero Roche chocolate box, put 3 or 4 layers of kitchen towel in the box and soak with water, then put parchment paper over the wet towel and press down so it has contact, then your paint on the parchment paper. The paint will slowly take water through the parchment paper and stay usable for days if you put the box lid on when your finished for the day. The price of paint these days you can’t afford to waste it.


Nice tips on the paint and much appreciated… I have several types of paper, but 4 are for sketching, 2 are for water colors. Hmm? I have a birthday in 2 wks and was asking for gift cards to Hobby Lobby or Micheals, both nearby…

I think before I make any purchases other then colored pencil set I want, I might stop here first and chat with you if that’s ok. I super appreciate the guidance and with your experience, cannot ask for a better person to get advice from atm… thank you.

I did try to find you… found some art work for sale under that name and other stuff… do you have a link? I’d love to see you do a few start to finish acrylic.
Thinking of tackling my first one soon…

I love the detail, the colors etc… probably change the lighting a wee bit… run it thru a filter on the PC first to repair lighting a bit… I really dig birds, the offer such depth in color some with beautiful plumes of multiple colors side by side.



I did this last night and today… basic keeping my fingers limbered up and working on eye hand coordination… Kitty cats are difficult all the hair, different colors running thru it. I could spend hours upon hours getting it perfect really…

No eraser marks… love that… hehe.


Here’s a link to what I have on here, I don’t advertise stuff for sale here, 99% of what I do is commission based away from here, apart from the occasional member asking how much something might cost or if I want to sell a practice piece.

Is this what you have seen already ?

There are some other bits of my stuff scattered around here on other people’s threads.

That’s a nice pic, birds feathers are like hair and fur, a lot of details involved and difficult when irredescent. I have painted a few eagles and birds of prey. That pic would work very well with an airbrush, lots of soft edges and tones. Paint brushes create hard edges, unless it’s water colors, but detail is hard with watercolor. There is always conflict with effects and mediums lol.

Do you have a color wheel, understanding how color reacts and changes in combinations made a big difference to me combined with underpainting to create luminosity. Another thing is understanding how light and dark can make a big difference. The saying is light to show dark, and dark to show white.

An example would be a mid tone Grey looking white against dark black. I can’t shade in pencil I always start to dark and by the end it’s a big black mess lol.

I know its a work in progress so you may not have addressed these bits yet so sorry if I am pointing out the obvious.

If you look at the cats white neck collar if you made it a light Grey and increased the dark values on the cat it would look more white and then erased small areas for high light’s it would become more 3 dimensional, also you have a slight drop shadow under the collar edges, on the fur, but none yet under his chin on the collar, which would bring its face forward giving more depth. Smudging with your finger or a smudging stick gives a nice subtle soft shading.

Kittys left side looks very natural and soft, the darker shadow lines on the right side are harder edged in some areas, if you brought some lighter greys through those dark areas it would help. Photos are not good for art they distort the shading so I may not be seeing it correctly. When I paint fur I will use 3 or 4 shades and layer them over each other, then depending on my substrate erase or scratch in highlights.

I have a couple of good you tube vids bookmarked on the my PC, I will dig them out, although it’s airbrushing the same principles can be applied to pencils.


Hey @Carty
Did you see where @TomHill was offering a reward for someone to make a drawing for him.

Something about a guy riding a rocket through space.
Maybe @TomHill will pop in with a description unless he had it made already.
You are the only one here that seems to meet the criteria he was looking for.
The style was something like Hong Kong Phooey the comic, real simple like.

Anyway hope all is well with ya.
Nice art BTW :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It takes a special person to draw well, I can not draw water from a well…LOL


this is the light to show dark and vice versa giff, I hope it works.


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youtube link to fur painting.


Always wanted to learn to air brush… never had the extra $$, especially after I had my head on car accident and 3 back surgeries… from all this drawing my thoracic area is swollen… taking a day or 2 off…

I love using colored pencils and have a great book on layering, shading techniques… Self taught doodler… lol.

Yeah, that last kitty was done in 1 night… I usually spend a week on a good photo… and sometimes when I sketch them out in pencil, and I have 10 different shades of pencils… so makes shading really cool…

And then you got gel pens… almost like coloring in a coloring book… it does have it’s blending challenges though and was fun to do… Frog sitting inside a flower off a dang Calendar … lol


Your Awesome Shadey… bummer about you getting hurt and it affecting your work… I’m sure that is frustrating, well, it is…I know… lol. thanks for sharing your techniques and knowledge…


Hey check out the mural on ‘Free Seeds and Clones’ air brush by the ‘Ace of Arts’ from Ocean City MD. :peace_symbol:

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Oh my God…how did I miss this thread @Carty !?
Really wonderful pieces in there hun!!!
Following this!


Probably because your the busiest lady on the planet… that’s all… lol.
Better late then never, cool place for me and anyone to show us their creative side… all about sharing.

Cadman designed this for my Wardawg Strain coming out soon… he’s good.


I would love a get a good sketch of my currant Rottweiler should anyone be interested. It would be a Christmas gift :gift: for Mrs. @OhNo555.

Thanks to all that would consider and I would be willing to compensate you 🫵 for this effort just DM me. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Niice!! Perfect for that strain!

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Fantastic, love the type font as well.


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Happy Birthday to me… so, what does your loving wife’s family do when they find out I’m getting back into art work… they spoil me. plus my step mom gave me a $50 gift card to Micheals Crafts.

I have so many projects now… woot woot.


Very nice, that should keep you busy for a while :+1:


WOW! Jackpot!!! That’ll keep ya busy for a day or so…!