Cats of OG let's see those kitty pics


Leroy Brown


Was looking bleak for this little guy but he is going to make it. Always amazes me a cats ability to heal. His missing eye is still leaking but swelling has gone down. He loves to eat and just started getting his energy back. Playfully lil fella

the cat next to him is a male named monsieur sockies, I’ve never seen a male with motherly instincts till him. He loves kittens and takes good care of all he meets


Got a new area rug today, and realized it matches my Maui :rofl:


My son’s cat Rapheal ninja turtle an
Dontae the ninja cat is in the photo
But my sons in transition from one house to another so i have his 2 cats for now
In actuality all 3 of the cats I love are his
Buzz is not in the photo
He will not play nice with these visitors :pensive:


we just moved three days ago and frank has not yet figured out we have a basement. i can’t wait til he finds it. new neighborhood has a lot of cats already and he’s old so we may keep him inside now. he used to be the badass wherever he went and may try it again. he’s 16 now, last time was not as easy as it had been and he was 10 then. he still won but had a few wounds. this time i think it may go bad if he tries his normal shit.

cats are funny when we move. sometimes they take it in stride and sometimes freak out for days at a time. i guess it helps when you have a buddy to ease the transition.


I could never have a outside cat
My anxiety would go crazy :rofl: