Cannabis for muscular dystrophy

Hey everybody, hope you all are well.
I have a dear family member who suffers from muscular dystrophy, without going into too much detail, it’s an extreamly severe muscle wasting disease. If you dont know about this illness I encourage you to do your research and hopfully we can spread awareness about this awful disease and all the true warriors battling it every day.

So the reason for this thread is he has alot of pain but is not a fan of getting high due to cannabis making him hyper aware of his situation. So I’d like to grow him some high CBD varieties to be made into topicals. So if any one has any recommendations on seed strains I could purchase that will help with muscles spasms and joint pain. I also heard rumors of the A.C.D.C clone up here in Canada if anyone has a lead on that it would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks everyone for your knowledge


Here are some strains that one of our members Misterbee suggested:
“Gonna throw some Strains out there that are known/accredited with power to reduce pain. In no special order: ACDC, Afghan Kush, Blue Dream, GSC, Jack Herer, Harlequin, Budda Kush, Bubba Kush, Jack Flash, CBD Critical, Canna Tsu, Blackberry Kush, The White, White Widow, Sour Diesel Northern Lights, Blueberry, Catarect Kush, AK-47, 9-LB Hammer, Cannatonic, GDP, and Purple Arrow. There may be more now, haven’t updated my Log Notes in a while. Hoping you find something to provide relief. SS/BW…Misterbee”


Thank you very much @Tejas I appriciate the input and also a big thank you to @misterbee, hope you come back soon


Your face has changed 6 times in the last 3 months.

I’ll say it to this one: get a life boron loser.

Apologies to OP


Haha no worries, thanks @Foreigner for catching this one

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Good luck granola, i to have been trying to supourt someone with the same condition. Its a terrible desiese an not something nice but alot of people are given lower life expectancys too. But ive seen some amazing people who despite what the medical profesonals say have battled bravley to do things that they said couldnt be done. Ive been trying to make something myself to help someone i know. Might take some time but il let you know how i get on. If you find something that gives good results please let me know. Good luck on your quest.

Pecstacide warlock you may be thinking that because a lot of cbd products out there actuly dont have enough cbd in them to actualy make any sort of difrance. Its still mostly a unregulated market. Its not easy to get products with high enough cbd levels in them to test an acualy see succsesfull results. Alot of the comercialy avalible products are made from hemp with very low cbd levels wich are further diluted to bring you the final products wich hardly work. But cbd in usefull levels in the plants to start with do actualy help.

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