CBD seeds offer up

I got a few beans from a trade in Australia today. There are 3 strains of good CBD,
1-Purple Orange, 3-Cream and Cheese, 3-Johanne’s total of 7 beans
First to say they’re interested, owns them…


I’m interested would you want to trade? I’m in Canada not sure where your located

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Now did I say ‘trade’ or anyone wants? lol Don’t sweat a trade, bro. just DM me your addy info and I’ll get em out to you as soon as I get into town the next couple days ok


I’m in the US but I ship seeds to Canada a lot, no problem


Lol I know, I know, just feel guilty not giving in return. If you ever see something you like that I have just let me know!


Actually went into town today and dropped 2 envelopes for Canada lol so it’ll be a couple days before I manage to get back into town. We live out in the boonies


No worries man, no rush


Lol, @JohnnyPotseed I too love on the boonies


Cream and Cheese, please!
Was this from about a month ago? I don’t remember what the strains were, but I do remember waiting for something to finish up.

Yep, @KETAMINE_GRENADE’s beans I traded him for came through. There weren’t many CBD seeds, sorry. Mostly THC strains and not quite as many as originally listed. I’m going to be spreading the love at some point, for sure.


I already gave those 7 beans/3 strains to Kushking902, but there’ll be more beans coming.

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Damn did i miscount the seeds?

only on the total count, i think. There was 19 packages instead of 21, and I’m not sure on exact seed count yet. Haven’t had a chance to do more than glance at them. I just know the CBD ones I don’t need so gave them out here first…the others will be coming soon. I’m in the middle of a harvest and shuffling plants around in couple rooms, so too busy to go through the packs for true count.

edit, but hey, it’s all good. There’s quite a few nice strains and ‘the seeds must flow’ lol


Is USPS pick up not available in your area? That’s my bestfriend I hate hitting the post office

I’m sure it is lol I don’t use it for obvious reasons. One being i never use my real addy on return


I mean, depending on where you are and what you got going on I can understand

Neither do I. I figure with “A” return address, it will more likely make it through the system. But if it must be returned to sender, I don’t want it coming back home, specially if there happens to be LEO following it. Thus a bogus return addy.