Seeds from 'Down Under'

Ok, I’ve had a chance to go through the beans I did a trade for from the ‘Land Down Under’.
There were 19 packages of seeds, with 11 of them holding 1 seed. To send out 1 bean packs just doesn’t compute. I did send out a pack of 3 CBD strains (3,3,1 for 7 seeds total)

The others had 2, 3, or 4. with 1 having 8
I’m thinking it might be a good idea to try germinating them, and then cut & send clones instead.
Anybody have a better suggestion?

edit… there was only 1 pack that had fem seeds, the rest are regular, the chances of getting a boy out of a single seed are there.


There’s a lot of nice strains in the package though lol

Sugar candy----------------------------4
Black russian---------------------------3
Zombie virus----------------------------1
Northern lights blue-------------------1
Orange cheesecake ------------------8
Zkittles Glue-----------------------------1
Northern Lights x Big Bud-----------1
Marmalate DS--------------------------3
Kosher Kush----------------------------1
Critical XXL-----------------------------1
Phantom Cookies Domina----------1
Cotton Candy Kush------------------1


those all are good ones, i say seed the plants and smoke on the clones. a lot of seed making here. how will you seed them? spray or dust??

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Zombie virus is a nice one. I’d grow and clone them if they turned out to be good phenos of course. I’m not familiar with the rest of those they sound good.

I wouldn’t worry about seeding them at first, just grow them out for clones to send folks here. Then down the road I could do a seed run on the better ones. Once i get this STS shit down right lol


I can get a lot of clones just growing them out, after 3-4 months it’d be around 30 or so every time I cut clones off of one.


Do you do regular seeds?

Hey there cuz, if you look up at the first post, you’ll see they are all regular seeds except one pack.
As to seeds I make myself, I’ve always mostly done ‘regular seeds’ but when I do a ‘rodelization’ they’re ‘fem seeds’ so I think the answer is…I do both!

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I’ve sent out a lot of these beans to others here on OG over the past few months. They’re pretty much gone now.

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To be truly honest with you. I like seeds. For one reason. Moms. I clone of everything. It works best for me. The seeds is something new. I did them years ago. I tried to get some a few years ago it was more trouble than what it’s worth. I have one place that I can drive to and get whatever I need as much as I need basically for free. When the virus broke out all I had was 8 seeds. I had some older ones I just didn’t give them a chance I felt like they have gotten too hot and have been put up too long. I am looking for old school stuff I am not lying about that. The older the better I want to pure breed stuff

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