Looking For CBD or Hemp Beans

I wanna thank everyone that I’ve traded with since being on this forum. It’s been a great experience and I hope to keep the momentum going.

I decided to post this cause I’m looking to get my hands on some CBD or Hemp beans. I had a few older packs of high CBD hemp seeds from high alpine genetics but unfortunately, they didn’t pop for me as I’ve had them for a while now. I also was down to a few beans of Tonic Web from Purple Caper I picked up 2 years ago from a local shop. I grew a few out but to be honest, wasn’t excited about them.

If anyone has CBD beans they can trade please reach out. I use cannabis for medical purposes and I love to have CBD growing again in my garden.

For trade, I have a bunch of Lime OG crosses

Lime OG Crosses For Trade!

And if you are looking for 3d printed stuff I’m also willing to trade my 3d printing services in return of some CBD beans.

Thank you everyone and hope everyone has a great Friday! :v:


I can help you out. I’m in a “Medical Boot”, Right Foot for the next 10 days/2 Weeks, can’t drive. AFTER I get Three/3 Giveaways’ worth of Envelopes/Packages dispatched, I can get to ya, have plenty of Hemp/CBD/CBG Seeds. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dude! you are awesome! I can send you threaded seed containers in return! :v:

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I have the Perkins cut reg beans…

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Sorry to hear “you got the boot@misterbee,
I hope you heal up quickly!


I have not gotten any from them yet but plan to grab some for the collection one of these days. Reasonable prices.

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