Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 1)


Thanks for the tips on lighting I will always keep my HID lights it’s what I started with and still drag one ot two out from time to time the 400 I’m running now I have had for years still works great I will for sure check out kijiji ty and the Lenofocus look promising same diodes and driver as the SF pretty much same price as well but SF isn’t dimmable or configurable so to speak gives me something to think on I really want to build one I have for a long time now I have the tools, well I’ll borrow them from my daughter I just have no time right now decisions decisions anyway I appreciate it folks @TestOfOath grows look great my friend


Some y’all may recall the story I mentioned of my 70+ hardcore Italian neighbour and his first cannabis plants as he asked me rather loudly (as he does):

"Hey! Wadda I do witha this thing!?" (he legit sounds like Kevin Klein in “I love you to Death”.)

Well here’s an update: The thing has 7-9 leaf structure with some hoof leaves, a decent smell when rubbed, and is about 5-6 feet tall right now. He’s fed it manure at planting, and miracle grow only (@Foreigner , here’s another blue-sauce user!)

The largest of the leaves average about 12 inches top to bottom.
Here’s a snap:

We have NO IDEA what it is, but after it’s flower stretching kicked in we really wanna know and yes I took cuttings.

Any help figuring this out would be super awesome (i’ll take pictures as it grows to try to figure out an approx).

Here’s a snap of the plant(s). He planted 2 in the same barrel. I suggestion otherwise but you try telling a descendant of the Roman Empire what to do even IF it’s in their best interest.


The sauce she’s-a good!


@Foreigner @Pigeonman

Sauce? It’s called gravy!

(That’s an italian immigrant family joke)


I’ve been in my basement a few days setting stuff up as my buddy who is also an electrician was able to install my dedicated 20amp gardening breaker and outlet. (I could have done it myself but I got to see a friend and help support his business :smiley: )

I’m exhausted after doing all of this moving from rooms into 1 room! Wanted to share the upgrade which includes a Tron-esque under canopy light grid with lift-gate!

And now to drop another pile of coin on more exhaust dampers and parts to pull it all together :smiley:


Hey gromies! How would I lower ph in soil? I added to much lime. I was lookng at soil acidifier as an option but don’t want to add too much and play up and down game. Any ideas??


Hey brother :slightly_smiling_face: sulphur can lower the ph, just be careful how much you put in. Start slow. If you add in compost, it can help lower/balance the ph over time too. Just depends how fast you need to bring the ph down. Even with sulphur it takes time to bring the ph back down, and it can also be over done and make the soil too acidic.


Could vinegar do!? Read it before…


@anon93244739 mentioned the other day he uses unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with each watering for some natural pH down.

I meant to press for details on measurement and procedure but then I got high. Hopefully he can enrich us all with knowledge.

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Looking nice there @Pigeonman!

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It does work well…

Apple cider vinegar works fine as pH down for soil, but the vinegar breaks down pretty fast too. That’s why it won’t work for hydro. I literally used it for most of a decade, it’s when I wanted to try actual hydro that I had to switch to phosphoric acid.


I’ll look into it, thanks! I’m 6/6 on the purple kush x mikado bx. I’ll get some pics later today.


I use it all the time for lowering my water PH, sulphur works longer for keeping the soil at a lower PH.

If you want to add calcium/lime into your soil and keep your soil balanced in PH use Gypsum, it has sulphur, calcium magnesium.

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I’ve over done it with gypsum before. Using old mushroom substrates as an amendment I ended up with my water going in at 6.0 pH and coming out at 8 pH, it took me dropping my water pH to 4.0 for 2 weeks to get my soil to balance back out


Gypsum can take a while to break down in your soil I find.

Its not really an adjustment additive like ACV and if your soil is alkaline or acidic to start it won’t change it up or down much, as it is supposed to be a neutral balanced mix of calcium and sulphur.

If your soil is s balanced then thats the time to add it without fear of messing it all up.