Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Awesome pic! Iā€™m glad heā€™s ok!


THANKS @hollyho & I found this picture about a week ago and Iā€™ve been saving a spot on my upper arm/shoulder for a tattoo of him and nothing has ever really peaked my interest and then I found this one and I just think with a few little tweaks and I love the black n white plus I plan to on using a little color or different grays and silver with the black n white to create a portrait of him and I knew it when I saw it last week it was the one and I have also always been a big fan of black and white photography The Doc


Already out of likes??!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The lemonade man should do something about that.

Anyway, make sure you get someone great to do that tattoo. Many tattoo portraits turn out trash-subpar. Some artists can really hit the mark tho. Just do your research!


We need to open this :heart: situation up. I read a lot on OG. When I read something I like, I click it. When I see great photos, I click it. Sometimes a whole post isnā€™t needed, just a simple click lets someone know youā€™ve read/seen their post and you think theyā€™re doing great. Itā€™s a big part of online communication.

Not everyone needs that many. But why limit it? Itā€™s so aggravating. ā€œYouā€™re out of likes for today, please wait 56 minutesā€ OMG :woman_facepalming: The biggest problem I have with this is MY MEMORY IS SHIT. I will never remember to go back and ā€œshare the loveā€. I need my love to be felt right then :rofl:

I have a lot more to say on this but I have to go. Maybe Iā€™ll have a :heart: to give away when I get back :triumph:

Can you explain to me why itā€™s rigged this way @LemonadeJoe ?

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@hollyho still kind of a pain in the buttā€¦ but I sometimes bookmark posts, to return and like itā€¦ when I have ā€œlikesā€ available :wink: :upside_down_face:



:heart: Iā€™m out right now too :sob:


@DJSF i thought about that. But by the time I get my likes restocked, Iā€™ve read a million more posts. I just donā€™t get the limit. Looks like they would want us to ā€œlikeā€ before making many posts that say ā€œI like thatā€ :joy:

@Oldtimerunderground i agree with you, we need more. I canā€™t think of any other site that limits how many posts you can like in a day. Like I said, itā€™s just part of online communication. The more active and engaged you are, the more you use. Simple as that.


Yeah, itā€™s a pain in the Southern district but I just drop one of these :heart: and nine other characters. I agree though. I could never remember to drop back by to ā€œshare the loveā€. Sometimes itā€™s so aggravating that I just log out for a few hours and then go back in and ā€œlikeā€ the post. I get that itā€™s part of the level advancement and all that, but it is an irritation for sure.


I have reached my maximum number of likes. Maybe in 36 minutes I can acknowledge your post :joy:

But yeah, I agree. PITA.


How was that BBQ Sauce?


This is usually what I end up with after my morning :heart: reading.

Thatā€™s right 20 hours of no :heart: Loveā€¦

I do this everyday multiple times. Set a bookmark for the next day as I am usually on a 20 hour ā€œNo more Likey for youā€ time outā€¦

I try to remember to remove the bookmarks but sadly I am lacking in this areaā€¦

I have bugged the admin about this a few times but have learned, ā€œIt is what it isā€.

Thatā€™s all I gotā€¦

Edit: Did someone say BBQ Sauce :wink:


What BBQ sauce??? You must have forgotten it. Thatā€™s OK, you can just send some more, I mean, you can send some (for the first time) as soon as you can get to the PO. I wonā€™t hold it against you that you forgot. I understand broā€¦
On another note, I had the best BBQ pork loin, last night. You should have been here! My wife outdid herself! The sauce she used was outstanding! Iā€™m having leftovers for lunch today.
I bet your sauce is even better! I canā€™t wait till you send me some.


If your nose gets any longer I will hafta start calling you Mr. President. Haha.


Seriously though @BigMike55 , It was amazing! You could be in the deep money if you found the right people to back you in putting that on the shelves. Iā€™d buy the hell out of it.
My wife voiced that at the table. I think sheā€™s right on the money. Itā€™s something to think about.

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Ys I had the vet get him up to date on shots plus a lukiemia test
Heā€™s doing good Iā€™m relieved
Hope everyone is doing good


So I need some pepper :hot_pepper: growers to please chime in
Also potatoe growers
Iā€™m having issues after using Dr Zyme

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Iā€™m not sure about the yellowing, but Iā€™d reexamine the plant and look for pests. I noticed the white spots on this leaf. I see a few others as well but this stood outā€¦

Did you use it at lights out? It is photo sensitive