Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I do have a major question and I hope maybe someone here can help me. I have a torn ACL. It is more degenerative. Hope Iā€™m pronouncing that right. Also with the meniscus tear. Question I have is and Iā€™ve been asking the doctors for now for a minute and I cannot get an answer. So I had a Cortizone shot a little bit more than a month ago. not doing any replacement. Yes the question Iā€™m asking is can they do that I read where you shouldnā€™t have surgery done for three months after that shot.

Iā€™ve done some therapy is actually made it a little easier to walk. I just donā€™t trust these people. I went to them for a car wreck a few years ago I got my shoulder replaced they still didnā€™t fix the rest of it

Look Into a stem cell injection. Of your own cells.
Before any surgery.


Bob been reading about something like that. I feel like I need some hormone injections. The best therapy Iā€™ve gotten so far is doing it to myself. I seen this guy take a regular butter knife and grease his knee up. Running across the top of his tendons I did that last night and it helped me a lot. The fire ants last year mess me up.

Look into it.
I did it. Had 7 back surgeries. 2 more discā€™s were bulging bad. No more surgeries unless life threatening.
I had it done experimentally down my back.
Excruciating! But after almost 9 monthsā€¦ pain free with the stem cells. Besides feeling amazing, too! So many benefits from stem cells! I banked mine for future use, too.
Are you US?


Yes I live in the US. I go to the chiropractor a lot.

Yā€™all know whatā€™s crazy? With the abortion ban in place, that will affect stem cell research

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Look into a regenerative Dr.
I have a good one Iā€™m in Michigan

It is your own stem cells not an aborted baby!

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Stem cell research comes from embryos as wellā€¦

The ban will limit infertility clinics.

Thereā€™s lots of fallout from the ban that people donā€™t think about :peace_symbol:


Now whatā€™s so crazy is. Is that unborn baby is considered to be a person. Now whatā€™s going to happen to that woman that it is attacked. Will the unborn fetus be able to sue for assault?


I hope they get your knee fixed up soon enough.

I was once chatting with a dude on a chairlift, says heā€™s trying to get back into snowboarding after an ACL surgery. Tells me heā€™s going to ease back into it and throws a backflip off of the first rail in the park, rides away smooth.

Thereā€™s hope for a good recovery! :leg::muscle:


Strawberry Banana (Strawnanna) is said to be is a resin-heavy strain. That might be something to consider. :thinking:


What Iā€™m hearing is the doctor that supposed to be doing my surgery is not that good of a doctor. What even makes it worse is I went to him about this over eight months ago and he said there was nothing wrong with my knee. Iā€™ll get it thanks.


That is funny

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@Bobgrows Thank you for sharing that info about stem cells and regenerative Dr. that is just great info to know. who would of thought? @Hemp i so know where you are at with the knee. been dragging my right leg around for a lot of years from high school sports injury to the knee. have worn the left knee out because of this. i hope you find the right help and doctor real soon. hope and peace brother.


Iā€™m moving to Maine. I actually found a decent doctor up there. What is so crazy the doctor that replaced my shoulder told me not to let the guy work on my knee. If he messes it up Iā€™m not gonna be here to get him to fix it. Iā€™ve already found another place they acted like as soon as they get the paperwork. I think I said enough about my knee I really appreciate all the support and I have read insane where you guys have knee problems. Maybe weā€™re working too hard. Lol


Thanks for the heads up !

Iā€™m using my bog sour strawberry cuts as a base and to date the prospects are kc brains tnr, cheeseberry, skunk A, a jacks cleaner leaning lifesaver and a couple morešŸ¤­


Iā€™m not worried. I feel like Alabama and shit werenā€™t really hotbeds of stem cell research in the first place.


Anybody watching this Netflix show called How to build a sex room?