Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)


Thats pretty cool!

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I’m just making brownies :man_shrugging: Old school like that


Thanks for the recipe. They look great.

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Just woke up from a nap, Dosi OG no joke :upside_down_face:


In addition to different logos, they are also different sizes. vsf4300 is shorter than vs4300, but their efficiency is the same.

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Well this fucking bacon grease strainer made infusing coconut oil a breeze. Way easier than pouring from a pot into a strainer


They could rebrand it with some cannabis related name/imagery and quadruple the price. :joy:


Don’t give me ideas :joy::joy::joy: shit I could do that in dropshipping with next to no capital


Bout to hop on alibaba like a mf :joy::joy::joy:


New brilliant trick. After you drain your solidified oil use a small rice cooker to melt it back down and cook out the remaining water.


Friends, I’m running out of patience. What strains are well known for helping with tremors. I have quite a few strains to choose from but no experience with strains. I have had limited success. Godberry x Blue Cookies helps some but not as much after this long using it. I’ve built up a resistance I guess. I am needing some advice as to what direction to go.


CBD is often the weapon of choice for this symptom. Sebring’s comfort cream might be beneficial since it utilizes a transdermal agent, and for smoke maybe bringing in a high CBD ratio strain like Good Medicine.
I also did a Google search, and the most common THC dominant strains recommended were OG’s, Trainwreck crosses, and some Diesel crosses.
There’s also been some anecdotal research utilizing THC-V for tremors, so maybe looking at landrace Thai strains, or known THC-V heavy strains.
Here’s some search results on Kwikseeds of THC-V heirloom/landrace strains that they have available.
I’m sorry this is such a challenge right now, and I hope you’re able to find some relief. :bear:


I have little doubt that I’ll hit on something that helps with this. I have found quite a bit of relief from pain using pot but the tremors keep me up at night.
Thanks for the info and the concern. :pray: Both are very much appreciated


I hope you find something soon. Can’t imagine how that must be, mentally and physically.

You probably have some CBD varieties, but if you want some Good Medicine, I can send you some F2s, or Point Break.
I also have a few Trainwreck x GG4 RIL (about 5) that @Green_thumb_007 made.

Happy to send any or all of those to you.


Thank you very much @middleman. Yes, I have some Trainwreck x GG4 RIL (gifted to me by BigMike). That Good Medicine is kind of a daytime smoke. Is it not?

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Couldn’t tell you. I’m growing my first one now.

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I am trying to research the strains I have right now but dang! Most are crosses of crosses of crosses… How am I supposed to know what one “might” do for me? Add to that the fact that each strain will hit one person a little differently than another and it makes decision making a PITA. lol

I do appreciate the offer but I think I have more than enough to eventually find the one or three that I am looking for.
Thank you again @middleman .


@misterbee is always a fountain of knowledge for strains and effects. Hope you find something that helps.


Have you tried topical cbd already?