Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Just like when folks ask: How do I get so many green dotā€™s next to my name?
Answer: Those are nugs. Just keep reading, keep posting, but most importantly keep growing!



I donā€™t even notice them TBH, kinda like on auto-ignore like a 468x60 banner ad would beā€¦ I just scroll on by themā€¦

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I still havenā€™t a single clue what they are, their reasoning or how you obtain them. But they must mean something. Tbh I havenā€™t given them a single thought, until nowā€¦. Now Iā€™m curious, but I LOVE your interpretation @Pigeonman :raised_hands:t2:


Dots?? What frickinā€™ Dots???


Also , I will second that the Spider Farmer Sf-4000 is a helluva light for the money. I have an associate who has 6 of them in a pretty well dialed grow. And his finished product is absolutely spectacular. I use one for my one veg atm as well. Just a great little unit and worth every penny imo


I will third that. Great light (sf4000) !!


Speaking of lights, I just saw a Fohse Aries on eBay at about half price. Itā€™s listed at 800 BIN, and thatā€™s my current dream light .
640 watts, gradual sunrise/sunset, seasonal spectrum settings (summer spring fall), ALL the bells and whistles.
I canā€™t possibly swing that cash right now, and I was even tempted to use my credit card, but Iā€™m gonna be responsible.


Good for you. :grin: That takes courage.



An empty bank account :wink:


Fohse is the best of the best IMO, wish I could show you a pic but itā€™s not mine. My best friend since childhood has an epic setup, 5 Fohse 1000w scorpios and a 12 site XXL current culture setup, clean as a magazine shot, and his finished product is UNREAL! Most people know nothing of Fohse. But if you can afford it, just do it.


Lol I was being a little silly. As In mars was a big step UP for me already lol the only thing I know bout gavita is they are ex$pen$1v3 ā€¦ Lol and pretty much theyā€™re is no more stepping up from here lol

Tx for info though !! Long way from SF4000 lol

For sure. I got turned on to Fohse when I met a local guy out here who works as a dispo cultivator, and got an Aries as a fucking TESTER! Green with envy

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Sheesh! What I would give to be a Fohse tester!


You get them by posting and being active. They literally mean nothing lol


Itā€™s always cool when you become a tester for a company, especially if the products work well. I must admit, I have never heard of Fohse but did just check their site out. I would not call them the best of the best but hey, they could be, I donā€™t have enough information at this point to make such a bold statement. Glad you all brought them up though, nice to see another quality manufacturer out there. The more of them their are the harder they have to work to be the best which is good for us all.


Iā€™ve been eying those hard. Also way out of my price range, unless I wanted to drop half my harvest on one light.(Iā€™m impulsive and terrible with money so this could very well happen) last couple harvests were on the small side cause I had a bunch of males and herms but all fem now and with 40sqft of flower space I can do it!

I made budder buttered noodles for dinner last night, horrible idea, delicious ate way too much got higher than I knew I could :joy:


Definitely the best of the best, Iā€™ve seen people with zero money issues buy and try everything, all four have Fohse in their setups. Best of the best hands down. Been around for 7 years, had a previous 5 in strictly R&D . They took all the best, took them apart and improved on everything. Their diode covers alone are ridiculously impressive. And of the 6/7 I know utilizing them not a single issue except for a large dent in the side of one from shipping. They let him keep that light and sent him a new one with a shirt/hat and 250$ gift certificate. Unreal


I hate that tbh, thereā€™s a fine line for me, I stay away from edibles cuz they tend to not hit me for HOURSand hours, then ALL at once, panic attacks, anxiety etc. I just smoke all day everyday. LITERALLY. I can honestly say Iā€™ve never ate or seen butter buttered noodle pasta. Haha epic!

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Gonna have to look into them, was thinking about going with the fce 8000 and some supplemental uvb since Iā€™ve had good luck with mars so far.

For an anti capitalist marketing sure does work on me :sweat_smile:

They were delicious, i think if I had used maybe a 1/4 of the budder I used and melted in some regular butter(or maybe used less potent trim and some cbd) it wouldnā€™t have been so heavy. But the weed taste worked great! I fucked up straining the budder when I made it(coffee filter tore) so it had a bunch of plant matter that just wouldnā€™t be good in the brownies I had planned on. I fuckin overdid it though

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It actually sounds delicious, never even thought of using it that way. And for what it was , thatā€™s ingenious! Haha , next time just MUCH less! I am going to grow some CBD heavy this year and make some budder from that. Now I know exactly how Iā€™m gonna try it, very slowly though :wink: