Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I donā€™t ball mine up. I like mine in powder form. Lots of different ways, as your hearing.
This is what I use. My Hash is loose powder. Burns really good after heating the glass. Hubby makes the bong pieces.


yah I checked the hash microscopically and determined the 90 micron was the best. I throw all the rest away hah hah, just kidding I give it away to my friends.


All from 25 micron, guess I will have to suffer with the trashā€¦ā€¦.:sunglasses:


Hereā€™s a questionā€¦ can you use the remaining weed after you cull for seeds to make hash? Would it be any good?
I know most of the energy goes to making the seeds. Are there any good cabbinoids left that are worth it?


In a word yes !


Yes I do it


Iā€™ve started to taking my hash to the next level lol I make the dry ice hash then run it through the heat press to get rosin, thatā€™s what we smoke


Like @Oldjoints said cuz, I have gallon zippies frozen of that stuff. It makes great hash/rosin

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And I sneeze when we doā€¦.

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Iā€™m pretty happy thatā€™s about 15,000 in 12 month
Tapping that button
When I cash out I always leave 500 to play again next week or month then I win again :laughing:

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I know cuz lol but it def does the job! I know you said you canā€™t any more even though i still offer when you come over lol

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Thank you all for answering.
Getting ready to pollinate!


LOL, man they took a dab rig and turned it into some weird toy. I watched that video and no way would I bother. I have many quartz bangers I can use with a tourch but my go to is something like this.

No issues, concentrate pools up nicely, totally controllable temp so I do lower temp for more flavor. No burning concentrate and a simple swab with a qtip cleans it up between dabs. Its got a titanium nail with a quartz bowl. But hey, to each their own.


I wouldnā€™t even know how to use the damn thing :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

So what part did you not like. I donā€™t get how it could get any simpler than put in work bag and turn on. Come back after cycle done and drain into bags. Lift bags one by one and collect material. Now I am new to this and have only made hash using silk screen method so I am more curious than anything else as the machine seems very simple at least in theory. Certainly better than all the folks I see using paint stirrers and drills to hand mix the material.

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Nice cuz lol Iā€™m still ā€˜old schoolā€™ in that we just pull a dab out of the jar, twisting the tool to get it on good, then roll it in some mulched up flower. Put a bit of straight ground up flower in the bottom of a good bowl, then put that rosin roll in ganja on top of that, and smoke away no expensive dabbing toys for us

couple of pulls is good to go. Let it go out and hit again laterā€¦and again later, etc lol


Yeah, I have many ways to get to my destination but that electronic is my favorite. The ability to alter the temp precisely makes a big difference in the flavors. But hey, many trails leading to the watering hole, I am happy to explore them all :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s the part that hurts me cuz lol too much work involved for an busted up old man lol dry ice is easy-peasy, with a lot better yield

The way you described is how I did it before getting turned onto the dry ice method, THAT is a lot of work also lol


Thatā€™s fair, thanks bud.

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My last question if the day- do you guys shape the bubble hash before u pop it in the freezer to fry? Or is it still pliable enough after the freezer?

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