Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

I’d say thats all a matter of personal preference cuz

like @DougDawson said, there’s many paths to the same watering hole

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Chop it up like this to dry it in the freezer
When its dry you can leave it like it is or make it into what ever shape you want


I always chopped mine up, before the dry ice came along lol no need there


Right on, thanks!! I’ve never done it so I don’t know how smooshy it is AFTeR the freezer.

And idk why my phone keeps auto correcting “dry” to “fry” wtf… dry is a legitimate word damn it


I tell you something. My heart is touched right now. DC seeds Paul I love you man. I’m not sure if you can hear this I’m not sure if anyone here knows you it was very nice of you.

I’ll never do business with anybody else that’s nice person sent this to me.


I’m at a loss of words thank all of y’all here. @lefthandseeds @TestOfOath @Papalag @Jinglepot @ReikoX @G-paS and @MoBilly . I want to thank all of you. This is my Christmas. I think all of you.


@JohnnyPotseed you also. Nice family I have here. I had ordered some stuff from them I just didn’t have the money because of my surgery and some surgeries coming up. This is what the man sent me I can’t say enough


That copa the ancient OG is from what I hear a good one


I’m sure he made a mistake I’m not sure what I ordered but I cannot believe he sent that stuff to me. Did have a problem with one pack of seeds I didn’t hit him up and complain about him I was just letting him know that they didn’t pop for some reason and I believe it was my problem not the seeds.


All of y’all are in very good to me and brought me in there’s been a few little elbows rubbed here and there. Over all a great place


We’re a community pal! It’s what communities are all about :v::v::call_me_hand:


:thinking: I was wondering what happened to my order! Lol, just kidding. I don’t think it was a mistake. You’re good peoples @Hemp


Thanks my friend. Long hair in the bag. Yea!!! Good luck sign.

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Who likes purple crystals in a jar :purple_heart:
The jar appeal is amazing


It was a mistake. Lol he hit me up. My smile is short lived. No I’m not upset. I thought it was a mistake. It might be your order. Lol I’m still blessed. One Love

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That is very nice looking.

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Nice score bro, love them Hindu Kush.

It was a mistake got sent to the wrong person I got to send them back. I’m trying to see if I can just pay for those instead of getting the other order I just hope they’re not very expensive

I feel like a dumbass

Hell yes!! My blackstrap looked like that! But more red. Maroon I guess. Dark Devil is pretty too!

I put some on a paper and mixed some keif in

I think that pic was actually purple lemonade lol but the purples are beautiful. I 100% agree w you