Cheapest / easiest way to cool a tent?

I bought a small 2×2 mars hydro tent to dry out a few plants. Ive got a small humidifier and fan in there and its keeping my rh% around 63%. Temps have been fluctuating between 60- 67. Id like to get the temps a bit lower. Looking for the most economical route to do this. Thanks for the help og fam.


Exhaust! Grab either a 4 inch fan or something similar to push air out. Something adjustable so you can have air moving from the tent but not so much it speeds up drying. It’ll make your humidifier work a bit harder but it’ll be good to have clean, properly humid air to be leaving the tent too. Unless your fan is already exhausting… lol in which case a/c might be the best way to get you down

Foregot to mention i have a 6" exhaust running from the top of my 2×2, into my flower tent, which is also being exhausted from a 6" duct outside my room into a large carbon filter. Ive got a voltage reducer keeping my inline fan running as low as possible. Maby bump the speed up?

Maybe. Humid air will settle down lower than hotter air. It’s nitpicky, but I’ve always had better luck pulling air from more towards the bottom of the tent than the top. Granted, someone else should chime in because it’s also really the only way I’ve done it previously. Could you move the exhaust to one of the lower intake/outake spots? And I know realistically it shouldn’t matter since it’s exhausting, but passive heat from the flower tent could be to blame.

Turning it up should solve it in my mind

60-67 is pretty perfect unless youre talking celcius.


Don’t feel the need to he so hellbent on drying at exactly 60°, honestly anything below 70° is great IMO.

Quickest/best way to cool a tent is to open it up, open the vent flaps & exhaust the air in that tent outside of the lung room