Check out my 1st run at dry ice hash

Good evening OG 2.0,
I just tried the method of using dry ice rather than ice water in your bubble bags to make hash, and I am very pleased with the results. I only used fraction of my leftover trim from a recent harvest because I wasn’t sure how good the yield and/or quality would turn out. I used my 72, 110, and 150 micron bags. The top row is my results from using ice water. The left column , excluding the top cell is the yield using dry ice in the 72 micron bag. Compare that to water hash out of the 25 micron bag in the top left corner. I certainly thought anything coming from a 25 micron bag would be stronger than product from a 72 micron size bag but that isn’t the case! The dry sieve is much more potent and tasty in my opinion. The smell is piney, lemony, and downright awesome.


I think I had better success with water ice method (I slightly more prefer the taste and yield seems to be higher). But there is pretty long period of drying and curing after isolating it (after a week of drying it still contains some water).

For my lungs it is pretty too much strong, so what I prefer to do is mix it with weed just to make it little bit stronger but keeping the taste of fresh herb.


Exactly what i do, when the Moroccan hash gets here, very seldom…


Dry ice sucks for making hash forsure. Like it works. But you gonna have hash that is around 50% contaminate. Gentle ice wash is the best. 2nd 3rd 4th runs and so on get you your quanitity but the 1st is your headstash.


@lotus710 when I examine the dry ice hash using my loupe I don’t see much, if any, particle in the final product


Looks pretty darn good to me @BackcountryBlazer!

Be sure to practice proper safety habits when handling Dry Ice :wink:

I agree with you and am comfortable making this blanket statement:
Dry Seive hash is superior to wet/ice extracted hash.

Stay Hazed,


Stalks are contams too! It should look like caviar.


I actually find I get a higher yield using dry ice. Cleaner too. One of the things I like about the dry ice method is you can look at what your donor weed looks like when you are done. After only about 1.5 minutes, the donor weed looks naked. I have a digital electronic microscope that I check the remaining donor weed to be certain.

Dry ice does in just a few minutes, what water ice takes HOURS to do.

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You’re shaking way too hard! Force needed to separate the trichomes from the weed is minimal. I leave the weed I am going to process in a bucket with a blanket of dry ice on top of it for about 15 minutes. At this time, it is all so cold (dry ice is about -120°F) that a gentle shaking is all you need to strip the hash from the weed. Those super frozen trichomes want to just fall off.

Also, how do you get ANY hash with a “gentle” wash?

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I tried a new dry ice supplier yesterday. They are an actual manufacturer of it, so no more being at the mercy of my last supplier’s supplier. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I got much more (smallest qty: 8-10 block for $15, instead of $3.50/lb.) I had about 3 lbs of dry ice left over when I finished. I didn’t want to just put it in water and watch the fog roll off (not stoned enough to enjoy that). I took 30 grams of WET buds from a plant I cleaned just the day before yesterday. I broke up the last dry ice chunk and spread it out over the wet weed. I covered the bucket up and left it sit in my 10°F garage for a full 1/2 hour. It was frozen stiff. I put it into my shaker buckets and shook it for 40 seconds. When I opened the lid, the weed was mostly intact, but looked completely naked. My 30.4 grams of WET bud had yielded 3.6 grams of beautiful freeze dried hash. The following pics are the same pile top lit, side lit and flood lit. It smokes very nicely.

I also tried using water ice dry last week because my normal dry ice supplier hadn’t seen his own supplier in 3 WEEKS. My garage was 10°F then as well. I managed to get some kief, but it took a lot of shaking, totally exhausting me.

Not a good method. Water ice is bout 31.5°F, dry ice is -120°F, which is why it doesn’t work so well. Also, the shaking created powered water ice (as well as powdered weed), so I needed to let my kief dry. It also needed hand sifting. All in all, it was almost as much work as bubble bagging.


I cured my bud before doing dry ice. The contaminates don’t bother me, personal preference but I’m not going for gold hash just some potent greenish sift mostly.
I’m going to have to try the gold stuff just to say I did.

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I’ve been doing just that myself. I had gotten so much more dry ice than I usually get that I had a lot left to play with, so I took a bunch of wet buds and tried it. I thought it was interesting and someone might like to know.

I personally don’t smoke the hash. My kid enjoys some smoking hash. I use the has for making butter for baked goods, and making ejuice.


All of my trim and popcorn get the dry ice deep freeze! Nice lil treat.

thats interesting maybe i’ll have to look in to dry ice… i have so much trim and was going to blast it but that’s a long process… dry ice seems a lot quicker lol

Another new term I havent heard yet…“blast it”?

yes blast it with butane, make BHO/shatter or something but it’s too cold outside so i was going to wait til summer but dry ice sounds like a better idea

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Yeah it looks tastey, would love to try and do it ,with the dry ice. :+1::seedling::blush: Mechelle c.f.