What's your Hash look like?

I have a plant I just want to make good old regular hash out of.
I have been soaking flower in acetone, and alcohol for resin for way to long.
I’m looking for a cleaner safer more effective recipe. Any help would be appreciated. Also what’s your hash look like?


This thread is basically a gold mine!


Dry ice or Bubble hash is clean and effective.

Here is a pic of Bubblehash:

Here is a pic of Dry Ice Hash:

The biggest difference between the methods is that Bubblehash is very labor intensive and takes hours to make.
Dry ice takes about 20 minutes and very easy.


I’ve read alot about a difference in taste between the 2 methods with maybe some people liking bubblehash a bit more but it seems to be pretty even. Personally for how much easier dry ice is ill be doing that for my 1st try.

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Bubblehash is a lot more work but look at the difference.


If I was making the hash for smoking I’d probably give bubblehash a try 1st to venture on the side of quality but for edibles I think dry ice hash will be perfect.

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That’s a lot of good looking hash! Shit that would sell for 20 a gram in my area…


Good looking stuff! My recipe was 25 percent oil with 3 to four times that of flower ground to a flour then mixed in with the oil

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Thanks corey i get this much every time i harvest but i harvest 6 plants inside grow i use a mini wash machine than 5 bags it does take a better part of a day water bags are very slow draining but scissor hash is my wives favorite.


:hushed: goes for about $10/gram here but not many hash smokers in my area these days!

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Sometimes it’s 30 a gram. It all looks the same. If it doesn’t look glassy don’t buy it.
Alot of people are using butane and pvc pipe in my area. Always turns out black

Ewww, pure bubble here, nothing more than ice and water. Clean!

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When I make my own I use cold water and ice. It turns out brown and crumbly but has a totally different high compared to chemically made hash


Bubble is definitely the way to go. Yes it’s a little more labor intensive but I like to think you get out what you put in to something.
Just make sure the plant matter is nice and frozen, a few days in the deep freezer before I even think about it.
Acetone is real strong when that’s used it’s basically just rinsing the bud off with it. Old school hash oil was made with that stuff.


Yea, once brown and crumbly and properly dried, I put it in parchment paper or cellophane and roll a wine bottle with boiling hot water over it, then fold the hash and roll again and keep doing this until it can be molded into a ball

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There are lots of contaminates with acetone, I wouldn’t use it for anything other than cleaning tools. Iso oil with 99% pure and bho is about all ill ever use chemicals for.

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Man, @ReikoX that is making me salivate :drooling_face:

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