Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

looking good man. :wink:
that trainwreck is gonna be a big club of a cola at finish time, that is awesome
That mutant fire alien bx is sure freaky alien looking. That has to be some kind of throw back from one of the P1 parents used to make the original fire alien… I’m intrigued as yours is the first to show up in probably 70 or 80 plants I’ve seen in person or in pics from my friends.
I wonder what she will smell and taste like and how strong she will be.


i can see some of the same colour expressions in the two fakz however the leaf structure is totally out of wack haha!!

i dont think i will get more than 7 grams from my #1 LOL

but i bet it will be highly aromatic and a wonderful buzz!

will keep everything documented here!!

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hope you had a good week!

i have something going on - again

two of my plants in the second flower tent are showing signs of yellow clawing leafs at the top.

i don’t usually see this in flowering

its something i would usually see in veg if they are root bound

i haven’t P.Hd the water for a while.

they were a bit thirsty today i noticed. however i did givr them nutrients yesterday



i will just say this… PH is everything.
you must develop this mantra going forward
I think once you get a handle on being religious about checking PH of every input, you will start to see amazing things happen in your garden. Right now you have plants in rebellion but it’s not so difficult to make the needed adjustments.
Did I mention… PH is everything?
you’ll get the hang of it :wink:



thanks for the help & your time

:dagger: funny part is that I have the Blue labs Pen - and its calibrated.

I will make necessary adjustments.

and perhaps take some accountability for my actions!!


The most important thing is that you are having fun and enjoying the process.
When things went legal for us Canadians to grow 4 plants , many of my friends tried and just got frustrated and quit growing. In my observations I saw a common trend and that was that most of them if not all of them paid little regard to PH.
On the flip side, I have several friends who took the advice and put it into practice and they are growing full time and can’t imagine life without a few plants on the grow.
Seeing the trends amongst the growers I have tried to mentor, the ones who understood the PH chart and put it into practice are the ones enjoying thier grows and rarely check in with me for grow advice anymore. These are the ones that took my most important piece of advice to heart and then built thier grow style around it. That one piece of advice I tell every new or struggling grower is … PH is Everything!!!
I also don’t want to come off as a know it all pompous ass either LOL but in my own casual observations , once a grower adopts the PH is everything mantra and puts that into practice, the plants practically grow themselves.

All the books will tell you that cannabis likes to be between 6.0 and 7.0 for actual soil and most soilless mixes and 5.3 to 6.3 in hydroponic (moving water) systems.
Growers like myself look at the PH chart and it’s affect on nutrient uptake. Some nutrients absorb better or worse depending on the PH range. This is why the general rule for soil and soilless mix is to target a PH of 6.3 as the baseline.
I was taught that in the soilless mix, the PH is going to fluctuate as the plant draws different levels of nutrients from the “NPK Buffet” that our nutrient mixes offer and does so in different amounts at various stages of growth. Once a grower gets a real handle on this they can then start to “steer” nutrient uptake as those stages of the plant’s life occur. Some claim it as Bro Science… but it is something I have been practicing since the early 90’s when I was tending clones and seedlings and PH was to be 6.2 to promote uptake of the nutrients the plants use to grow roots and strong stems. Then when they moved me to the veg rooms I was taught that the target input PH was now 6.8… it was lots to learn but I learned it from day one.
My mentor was a scary dude when things didn’t go right. He looked like the gandalf character in lord of the rings… but the real deal biker version LOL . You never wanted Sandy’s piercing eyes looking at you in anger let me tell ya. So I learned and I learned fast haha that PH is Everything.

I am enjoying watching your grow and I am “very” appreciative of the fact that you are giving my seeds garden space. hmmmm and that kisk ass rolling tray from … I use that thing all day every day
thanx for putting up wth my ramblings in your thread :smiley:


I am just going to respond to this tonight@
I know its a community and everyone helps out .
but i feel bad having to ask questions (sometimes ones that have been answered and explained already)

you respond very kindly and with dedication .

I also see your other posts on o.g. and you are very happy and willing to share your experience and knowledge in detail.

I know everyone has personal lifes and i dont want you or anyone to feel obligated to respond to me , immediately or if at all LOL

I will develop a routine to p.h.all feeds and follow guidelines.

I will be continuing to grow out lots of stuff from your xmas gift.

Good night and will hopefully share a update on sunday.


Amen brother! I found that out the HARD way. I won’t make that mistake ever again


If it doesn’t start looking normal soon, definitely check your PH and EC



snow is gone.

plants survived.

we had some 8-11c sunny days!! much warmer on my 3 walled back deck

the pre98bk is smelling up the property LOL

curious to whatt the BOG LSD FEM will do.

kind of hoping it gets pollinated by the pre98bk herming lol


they are looking better today@@@

i gave them a splash of P.H d nutrients and water yesterday and today. they have declawed and re gained some color!


flower tent #1

everything in flower tent doing cool

everything and everyone is getting PHd

got to mix up some nutrients for the Snow Monkey so it can juice up

@CADMAN snow monkey kind of growing like i actually know what im doing LOL the genetics are too strong for my wrath cannabisalism

and Trainwreck is being a boss @Barefrog
only under led for photo sadly i keep the cola off centre

group photo with

middle front to right is fak1 bbhp and fak2

then we have @SHSC-1 2 faks …and one tester blueberryxHP chilling

everyone is plugging along


ya it’s easy to get complacent and I am guilty of it as well LOL
I mean we are a bunch of stoners after all HaHa !!

I run on well water here and it is mineral heavy. I should get it tested but I can’t seem to find a water testing place in my province that tests it for agricultural use with a proper break down on what is in it… So I use Hardwater Micro instead of standard micro and this seems to work… kinda. I am always having to find the balance with mg, ca and K… I try to manipulate PH to get there and it seems to work. Hard for me to go into detail on that.

The other thing that screws with me and my mission to grow a perfectly healthy garden is the well water PH fluctuates depending on the season. So I get into a routine of adding a certain amount of PH up to my standard mix and I don’t check it. All of a sudden I see dramatic changes in the plants after a feeding and it’s like WTF??? is going on now???
So it happens , but it’s not the end of the world when we are growing in a fortified soilles mix or organic based mix… they buffer quite well usually and the plants will bounce back once the issue is corrected.
Due to the General Hydroponics supply issues , I have been frantically trying to source nutrients compatable with my growing methods… In my town all I can get is Hollands Secret 3 part. It is “similar” to GH flora but it’s not exactly the same so I am having some issues adapting and may end up gettting the whole hollands secret line so I can tailor fit it to my needs. An interesting thing I noticed it that with the GH flora mix my PH will come to 6.0/6.1 and I raise that to 6.6/6.8 but with this hollands secret, the mix comes out right at 6.6 without needing any ph up… bonus!!! The plants seem to like it… but I gotta watch that well water this time of year after all the snow melt sinks down to the aquifer layer


well water would definitely make for interesting times!

that would be Hard water right?

does it register on a PPM truncheon?

the same thing happens with our city water over winter / summer.

i feel there was a time of year it came out of the tap around 6.7-6.8

with REMO nutrients - it drops down to 5.x

and ive forgotten many times to adjust

some reason i got it in my head that using the ph up n down was worse lol especially if i missed my mark an went above or under and had to use more

Im going to try a dialed in grow with everything as balanced as i can.

I havent been using the HP promix last few grows. and have been using some pre mixd stuff.

however its a bit more expensive. but it works for the early veg plants.

im pretty lazy with the feed schedule lately. maybe half the dose and i miss weekly feeds lol

my friend who helped me get started , had me running clones and feeding them right off the go and feeding every week regardless if the soil was dry / wet still.

i did pretty good with his guidance

but he quit growing after my second run and i moved onto seeds after realising i was harbouring PM from his clones … his air flow was better so it wasnt as big a deal for him as mine was in a tent in a damp basement.

i shut down for 2 months / switched rooms. washed everything with bleach… ran from seed and ive never had a whisper of it since.

my main problem is still the colder months growing in a underground concrete basement. the tents are on pallets but i feel they should be on top of 2 pallets to really get a space between the floor and tents and try to maintain a ambient temp.

ive got a pile of other problems also …mainly inexperience and lack of knowledge!

so that leaves me with using my available tools (ph pen
ppm stick) and resources overgrow then implementing it all!

I get a little jealous sometimes of everyones bright green stalks and beautifull green leafs!!!

just got to stick it through and work on a consistent dialed in environment

appreciate all your post and help

you guys are selfless.

and oh yya…my fucking clone machine is doing fuck all LOL some stems going black…might have ONE Rooting
. HOWEVER i havent controlled the water temp…but i did read the submersible pump may warm up the water.

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Sorry to hear that’s strange your having issues cloning ! Try adding about 250 ppm of flower nutes and ph to 6.0/ 6.5 might help


yes ill give it a try…

i took from the healthiest plants a had. fresh green soft cuts.

it may have only been 7-8 days lol maybe 9.

i put a drop of hormone gel

getting pretty fed up.

i put one in a rapid rooter.

hopefully that one works

Maybe check out the MJ plant prod line it was pretty simple to switch from 14 jugs of general hydro to 3 bags of plant prod . The price difference alone is a huge saving plus the plants really like it.

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Mildew is only brought in on plant material, it’s not going to infest your grow unless you bring in infested clones. It’s really easy to wipe out, as well with some elemental sulfur mixed with water. The kind of thing I kill in a weekend while I drink a coffee.
I would definitely test your water temp with the clones. I find it works best at 18-20C and the same for the air temps. I never use rooting hormone, but I’ll rinse a couple drops of nutrient into the water.

etc. I’ll even clone buds.


!!! look at those roots LOL

HAHAAAAAA well i definitely dont have that.

ONE cut has a single strand MAYBE lol.

i put a drop of nutrients into the water.

they are all going black and gooey lol

havent even got any veg plants to clone.

i have a few that are only maybe 2 weeks into flower. might still snag a few . but ill be cleaning out the current water and tossin the cuts


@ShiskaberrySavior LOL

they are doing well outside. no snow haha

home sick today / took a day off. morning forecast was rain . but it never came…now its 14c and beautifull lol

doing gardening

pruned BOG LSD and tied it down

and same for pre98BK . tied her down.

she was 4 weeks into flower when i put it outside.

we probably get light from 7 am to 9pm LOL only goin to get worse…it will probably re veg…it already hermed.

just experimenting .

might look for a bigger pot for the BOG LSD and see if it continues to grow.

right now they are just house plants. however the pre98bk is probably ready to smoke. not mature.

just realised.

i could bring the flowering out into the dark garage every night 7pm and outside every morning…