Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

found the fucker that lit everything up!!

  • hahaha im the fucker in all honesty*

it just happens to be the one i caught with its pants down. problemss were abound long before her i think.

i dont even know how bad yet. everything is drying.

going to bust a sample site from each an check for seeds.

i gotta go through whole timeline now find out when i put that bbxhp tester in there


Kinda thinking everyone is going to have seeds .

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hahaha Yea… they do…

maybe a good time to start making…hash?

ill trim some of the bigger bud sites

its possible my second set of flowering plants wont???

i just put them in there like 4 days ago…

i have faith… lol they are prime though being 3-4 weeks into flower

may 4th i flipped second batch…so only 36 days in

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Hash! That’s got my vote. You can still make excellent hash that doesn’t taste like popcorn. I hate seed husks!


just bought some dirt from dollar store.

mixed in lots of castings…perlite and some gaia.444

think itl be any good?


should be okay? from those ingredients it should be fairly fast draining.
Only one way to find out hehehe


Transplanted a few seedlings that were in Solos into some 1 gallon pots.

really need to go through my posts lol ive got a few unlabelled seedlings in solo cups…i may be able to figure them out …

its sort of like the movie Memento in my grow room LOL…

I also brought the pre98bk from my back deck inside to the drying tent chopped and hung

gave it a good shake off outside as it had rained all weekend…ive got a fan pointed at her.

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well a loan of a bubble bag n bucket from a friend may be in order…or just buy it for my self as i can see some hash in the future.

i wonder if anyone wants to trade a Clonex cloner + all the pumps n accessories for a bubble bag lol


train wreck
and FAK # 2

and my veggers

seedlings not happpy… up potted a few… i used recycled soil on some from jiffy pellets to solos. they are not impressed…

and flowerers


i am pretty well done my second flowering batch…
unfortunately i did not succeed with clones or veg plants…i think i have 4 or 5 that are pathetically moving along…

i left a half dozen in solos and they did not amount to much…even with regular watering.

sad state of affairs.

however everything from the first chop went well.

the TRAINWRECK is amazing… not even many seeds

didnt harvest alot .

bubba kush got chopped + ghost rose and FAK 1 & 2

now waiting to hang dry the



BC BIG BUD April 28

GG# april 28

so looking like im 58+ days in

this next harvest is going to be epic

I have to start from scratch ASAP and definitely do the.SNOWMONKEY AGAIN.1/4 WERE FEMALE. so ill run another 4!


snow monkey @CADMAN . will run again 100%
65 days almost.

I experimented with side branches topping in mid veg on these.

I just randomly cut :scissors: a bunch of branches to see what I could get and it looks like I got a bunch of nice tops out of it@@

flipped April 24th


got the pre98bk and the train wreck dried and jarred now.

I think I mixed up the fire alien kush#2 and the trainwreck lol…

I should be able to distinguish them with some lighting…but my dumb ass just dumped them both in the jar together lol

I had them drying in cardboard boxs after the 10-15 day hanging…it was a really humid couple of weeks

. it worked tremendously . I had them in nouveaux brownpaper bags but they were glossy…

then a white paper pharmacy bag…did a good bit…then over night a ice cream cone cardboard box

they seem to be alot crisper. the buds were soft to the touch…gad damn!

I hope the next few I’m chopping dry a bit better.

Im also seriously behind on VEG PLANTs…super embaressingly bad progress…I’ve been super slack since I’ve been back to work


okay@@@@@@ Flower tent is banging@@@
didn’t do huge veg or topping . just let them run.
everything is pretty dense !!

@SHSC-1 I got your BBXHP tester. it looks great and super bomb!!! what a flowered it turned out to be


then ive got a GG#4


looking good !! you got some nice colors :slight_smile:


thx!!! I’m pretty sure I flipped everything April 24th .

by that time frame I would say they are 60-70 days +. not much is changing now.

i think they all have some seeds some how

I can’t do any more flowering until I clean everything down… been like 6 harvest in a row that had little seeds in it…I found one nanner on a plant 🪴 however it doesn’t explain the previous 4-5 runs LOL…

my light could be too close. I could be vegging for too long… maybe light leaks. Maybe my timer is fucked . lol Maybe it’s just me


journey has come to a end…for now…

hang dry aside from a big sample top from each who got a manicure

have Chopped and hung the last of the flowering plants
first on chopping block today , was the BC BIG BUD which I gave a wet trim. I also noticed a couple nanners on her :laughing:

I selected a main cola from each ! the snowmonkey is probably dry. however i just put these 3 in there so it will probably put some moisture back into it

second on block is the GG#4


is the blueberry x hashplant along side the GG#4


Really Nice



Thank you buddy!

everything will dry over the next week or two.

I am going to the FEQ this week LOL… a little bit nervous haha


awesome man.
sure do appreciate all the updates and feedback.
All those flowers look great from my seat :wink:


thanks buddy!

everything is hung and drying. temporary break until maybe september.

I have 3 out side now.

I went downstairs today and the back basement STUNK of shit .

my veg/ seedling tent had become so rank… I literally had to turf like 4 plants and Mop up all the shit …I didn’t have a bottom skirt/ Pan in this tent.

I Had to throw the tent in the garbage. I couldn’t deal.with that smell

everything went RANK. it wasn’t smelly like that the day before.

all I did the day before was add GAIA 4-4-4.


I’d gotten the smell before from the worm castings.
it was really humid this weekend.

I ended up mopping the concrete floor with bleach…

the tent had to go. I was getting really sloppy.

I wasn’t impressed with my self :confused:

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