Chillum constantly moist

Why does my chillum pipe get so wet inside? It leaks the foulest tasting brown liquid into my mouth. Am I drooling while using it without knowing it? If I clean it after a couple bowls it’s wet an nasty again. I had this badass antler pipe that I made but broke it accidentally. It never had this problem. I picked up this chillum but am realllly hating it

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I use Chillums ALL the time. and yes, this is an issue. Funny thing is, it’s a good sign actually. The better the weed, the more pronounced this issue is. why you ask?
Oils and resins gotta go somewhere. You know, the stuff that usually stains the rolling paper as you smoke a bone. yup, oils. and what will happen is, as you smoke and heat up the chillum it releases the built up oils on the sides and puddles it up at it’s lowest point. next time you pick it up it gets on either your hands, clothes or in your mouth. I tend to keep a piece of tissue on hand to drain this crap into, storing it in a downward position so it drains into the tissue when not in use. Or, clean it more often. we use pipe cleaners and works great, cut one big one into 3 pieces… keep it cleaner, weed taste better… I have 3 chillums… lol.

I hope this helps ya out… and yes, it’s peeuwww


I think oils are more of a problem in glass
Which I think reading your post heading that’s what you got??
Leave in some isopropyl or ethanol overnight to clean off oils//buildup and rinse with slightly soapy and then plain water.
Or get a tradition clay//stone chillum
I think the oils get slighty more absorbed into clay and are generally removed by either taking a long thin strip of old cloth pushing into and out other end (with a thin stick)and then either getting a buddy to hold one end or grabbing it in-between your toes and cleaning with fast up &down polishing movements.
You can also (if they properly fired)put them in some hot fire coals once in a while and that will burn out all oil residues and keep things tasty.
Don’t do this with glass thou

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