Cheap homemade pipe cleaner solution?

I pretty much only smoke from glass and got sick of buying purple power or whatever so lately I’ve been using 99% iso, but it’s gross and doesn’t work that well. Its still not that cheap either.

Anyone have any good homebrew recipes?

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99% ISO, a glass jar, and a coffee mug warmer. Gently place piece in glass jar, fill with ISO to cover piece, and place on the coffee mug warmer. The heat makes all the difference IMO.

Edit: For a bong I heat the alcohol first then add salt to the bong. Add warm alcohol and shake the shit out of it. Rinse with warm water.


Now ya tell me. I just cleaned one from a jar of alcohol in my garage that’s like -2° lol. So gross…

The salt trick is great, it really helps as an abrasive. I also like to put the pipe after alcohol into a (plastic) jar full of hot dishsoap water and shake the shit out of it to dislodge stuff.

I’ve been eyeing up my jug of simple green, I wonder if it would work and not make things taste weird.


My Dad swears after a good cleaning rinse with CLR and the next time you clean is much easier. He said he discovered by accident.
Personally I use Rubbing alcohol and sea salt.


I use methanol and salt to shake with, then a rinse with hot water. Much cheaper than iso, does the job just as well. Gotta be a little bit more careful with it, bit that’s about it. Sold at any home improvement or auto parts store for a fraction of the price.
Most any other organic solvent will do too.


And it’s delicious too!

Kidding, kidding…nice tip, thanks!


i run hot water through my bongs then hot iso with salt then i use D-limonene as a final wash but its expensive and burns the shit out off your fingers (wear gloves) but it smells great and makes glass look BRAND NEW.

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Methanol is very unhealthy, be sure to wear chemical resistant gloves, googles and respirator, unless your working in a laminar flowhood. Then you don’t need the respirator, but no skin contact or inhalation.

I see alot of stoners who use Methanol for extractions, cleaning and from what I see. Many have no, to little clue about the dangers involved. Or how to setup a safe working enviroment, working with poisoning organic solvents.

Methanol is absorbed thru your skin, inhalation when you work with it, unless your protecting yourself.

Single exposiures is less of a problem, but cleaning your bong (I guess daily) with this, can cause serius issues in the long run.

Ethanol (rubbing alch) and Rock salt, shake and wash with water!
Takes a few more minutes, but you won’t risk going blind or something.


Very good points @Palindrome; I do wear gloves and work under an exhaust hood.

Cleaning glass daily? That’s some dedication! Monthly for this household, if that :wink:


When I take out my glass bong, I clean it every day.

It takes me 2 min, as it’s not that stuck on the glass and I can enjoy a clean bong.
Just a morning routine, clean the bong/wash the ashtray. :smiley:


I use an ultrasonic cleaner with heating function, and place the parts in a container with iso. For bubblers that are small enough, I fill them with iso and salt, tape off the ports and put it in the ultrasonic cleaner.

It can take a little while if there’s some gunk that’s been on there for a long time, but it does the job.


A quick update…simple green mixed 50/50 with water is the shit. I just filled a (plastic) jar with it and chucked a filthy pipe in, shook it here and there for a couple days, and it came out perfectly clean.

This stuff is supposed to be totally organic and non toxic, but I think rinsing the hell out of it is a good idea. Anyways I’m really impressed!


Old pipe been soaking in salt and iso. Can’t completely get the gunk from the bowl and deep inside the head of the thing. I’m pretty sure these “glass” pipes are really made from pyrex, regardless… Can I boil the mofo? Would that work?


Salt and alcohol plug the ends and shake it works great.

If all else fails low boil in a metal pot will work fine, flip the bowl face down. Get a used pot some where and yes it will stink :laughing:


Yeah, I use an old jar and the microwave sometimes. Pipes can be tricky, I use these things called Ream n Klean pipe cleaners.


91% or higher alcohol, epsom salt & some shaking. works for my glass all the time.


hello ll i find makeup removal face wipes (pound shop) work great :grin: