Chinese grows in Maine

Big article in the news this morning up here in Maine, actually based on a news article from the Daily Caller.
It appears that the chinese are buying up properties in Maine for illegal grow operations that have a value of $4.5b. Yeah…that’s a “B”…as in billions.

Every now and then you see a number/stat that makes you reach for your bullshit flag, amirite? :slight_smile:

So I don’t dispute that this is happening. But some of the math seems a bit “off”. I dunno…maybe it’s just me, but here’s an example:
““According to the National Drug Threat Assessment (circa 2020)- profits associated with 100 cultivated plants could produce $5.4 Million; therefore if one property produces three cycles a year at 100 plants, that one property could make $16.2 Million in revenue”

Soooooo…100 plants. Let’s go with 3lbs per plant? So 3X100 plants is 300lbs, X 16oz, so 4,800ozs? And let’s go with 200/oz? (it’s cheaper here, but they’re exporting), I come up with just shy of $1m…as in $960,000.

In any case, pretty amazing set of circumstances.



Will look into it further but the first thing that jumped out to me was “Daily Caller News Foundation” is the source of the article - i.e. a right wing news and opinion source (and an article about foreigners involved in criminality). There are a few other red flags, but they probably bear looking into further.

As for the numbers, hardly the first time the media has breathlessly reported “street value” numbers that don’t actually make sense.


It’s all based on interviews with the Sheriff’s dept up here.

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“All based on” seems strong, given that they quote the Sheriff three times, one of which is a repetition of a line used earlier. It’s somewhat unclear whether parts of what the Sheriff said were derived from articles about the grow op they bused in Carmel (which did lead to the arrest of several ethnically Chinese people who are described as being from Mass or NY) or if it’s all things he said to DCNF directly.

Parts of the article are derived from the memo they provide a blurry partial screen shot of and a former DEA official. They jump around quoting different sources, it can be hard to keep track of who said what.

Also worth noting, the only source coming up for the info contained in the article are from DCNF. Maybe there will be more, but one source is a red flag.

ETA: This is the headline on the Daily Caller’s page: “EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Chinese Marijuana Grow Operations Are Taking Over Blue State, Leaked Memo Says” (no agenda there)


By my back of an envelope calculation that amounts to about one hundred twelve million five hundred thousand kilograms, just for reference :rofl:

Agreed. Pandering.

Somebody must be responsible for the moral decline of western civilization.


Jeeeez…sorry you folks hate the source/topic/content/whatever.
I tried deleting the post, but can’t.

Enjoy your day.


I don’t think anyone is coming down on you my brother. Just the topic and the source.


Not at all, it’s interesting. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Scapegoating foreigners is the oldest trick in the book.


100% well said @Foreigner
It’s a discussion that needs to happen


On the contrary, I think it’s a fascinating piece of [bad/pseudo] journalism that’s directly related to a common interest we share. You should also give yourself credit that your spidey-sense alerted you to the fact that those numbers didn’t quite add up. If the Daily Caller can’t (or won’t) be bothered to do some basic math and fact-checking before publishing an alarmist, sensational piece with racist overtones, then… could it be that the racist alarmist sensationalism is the point? You were on to it from the beginning :slight_smile:

I’ll add that aside from the math being highly (heh) creative, who’s getting three outdoor cycles a year from one property in Maine? We’re not talking about San Diego here. It gets cold, there’s snow. I know from personal experience that there are lots of resourceful Maine farmers practicing all kinds of season-extension techniques with success, but… this also doesn’t pass the smell test.

Finally, a huge oversight on the part of the Daily Caller not to seek a quote from former Maine Governor Paul LePage, who I suspect would have given them some real red meat for their headline, on the basis of this 2016 quote:

“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty—these types of guys—they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home,” LePage told a large crowd. “Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road.”


Heh–just re-checked the article, which heavily implies indoor grows without bothering to go into any detail, so yeah… a few pounds per plant? We can dream :yum:

Why don’t you say what you really mean?


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I think we are all in furious agreement brother, It’s just good for a laugh

That’s still one hundred twelve million five hundred thousand plants! A fkn veritable Amazon jungle!

TBH I have a hard time, when people throw around the word “hate” or “haters” in the context of a dialogue about a disagreement, not thinking that it’s a cheap out, a way to cut off further debate because the other party isn’t worth talking to? Not saying that’s your intent… just my gut reaction.

Maybe something will pop up in the next few days, but so far all I’m seeing is “news” sources citing the DC report. It’s entirely possible there is a Border Patrol memo about 270 suspected grow ops, but I’d want corroboration.

I would also feel remiss if I didn’t point out the obvious: if there are illegal cultivation operations going on (which no doubt there are), they exist because of the illegality and over regulation of cannabis.

From one New Englander to another, with some familial Maine roots even, is Maine a blue state? I wouldn’t say that… like a lot of states there’s rural Maine and there’s Portlandia (the original one, suck it copycats).

ETA: I was already primed for talking about “hate” or “haters” because someone used the latter in a different thread the other day, very much with the aim of dismissing what other people had to say.

This type of weed from illegal grows is finding it’s way to into the UK, mids and smalls are cheaper than UK grown weed. Tops are more expensive than local product.

A lot of this weed may be exported potentially to markets where the product provides a greater profit margin like the UK/EU.

Dispensary weed or similar quality can easily sell for £4/500 an ounce in the UK probably more if you have provenance.

You guys are spoiled over there, you wouldn’t touch the street weed here, I won’t even smoke that shit.

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I’m confused… are you saying I used the terms hate or haters?

A few articles in news lately citing Maine as one of the most progressive states in the country…one poll ranked us #5. Look at our abortion laws…you can get an abortion in month 9.

I don’t live in Portlandia, I live in what some call mid-coast, others say we’re in Down East…and there are a lot of folks on both sides of the political divide, my point being that there are liberals and conservatives scattered throughout the state.


I looked at your abortion laws - it’s true that Maine law allows for abortions up till the end… but only to protect the life or health of the mother. Abortion on demand is only available up until the point of viability (generally 22-24 weeks). [Deleted something about a waiting period, seems like that’s gone]

Won’t somebody think of our local heroin dealers?! :joy:


The racist part (of LePage’s comment) aside rural areas of New England do have a problem with heroin dealers coming up from NYC and setting up shop.

ETA: I never actually saw it, but my wife told me about a meme a friend’s husband posted… something like “Maine: Lobster, Massachusetts: Cranberries, Vermont: The Finest Fentanyl Catalytic Converter Money Can Buy.”

But in all seriousness the scourge of opiates and fentanyl in particular are affecting every state.