Illegal grow operations in Maine

I posted about this some time ago, when the first whispers hit the press, and several folks took issue with it.
Since that time, there has been more and more coverage of this in the press, and about 2wks ago, LEOs started cracking down on this…

Now referred to as “Triad Weed”, they just had another major rout in Machias:


Coincidentally, a month ago there were several articles about some tests that were done on product in our medical dispensaries, and they found that 47% contained mold and/or high quantities of pesticide. Several folks commented that it was the Triad weed, because they basically don’t GAF about their product.

I think that’s probably true, at least to some degree. Local growers tend to be very proud of their product, and go to great lengths to ensure the quality. Triad maybe not so much.

There’s also the issue of flooding the market with ditch weed in an attempt to force growers out.

Sounds like so far it’s 3 down, 267 to go :slight_smile:


Maybe just call it organized crime weed, gets all groups :joy:


Definitely a much better article than the last one… which I guess isn’t surprising. The last article was sourced from the Daily Caller. :stuck_out_tongue: Looks like the Maine Wire is somewhat right-wing in general, but they’re at least keeping it accurate and not entirely sensationalistic or fear-based. I think that was the main objection to the last post, that the particular article you linked was basically fearmongering. This isn’t, IMO.


Somebody needs to grow that real sour diesel. I appreciate their efforts.

I thought that both articles said pretty much the same thing.

That some folks didn’t like the source doesn’t make the information less true.

Happens alot.

The first article, as you noted yourself, inflated the stats in order to make it seem like a bigger deal than it really is. According to those stats, I have a grow operation worth upwards of $1 million. :roll_eyes: Even if I were actually growing and selling, which I’m not, at current prices it’s more like $10-20k/year. And by current prices, I mean my state’s prices, which may be the highest for legal weed in the nation if not the world.

Also, just because the news is true doesn’t mean there’s not an agenda behind the news specific media publications choose to report. People took issue with the source and their apparent agenda, not the actual facts. You closed the thread yourself, so I’m not sure what the problem was… as political arguments go, that was a mild one.

Anyway, glad to hear another major illegal commercial grow op has been shut down, whoever was running it. Big difference between growing for personal consumption and growing to sell, IMO.


I think there’s an agenda behind pretty much all of the “news” :slight_smile:

I also think that many times things get dismissed out of hand, based entirely on a source.

Shutting down these grows would be a big help to the legal growers here. It would help stabilize prices for those who are making a living in the field, and I think it would provide a much better quality overall.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming :rofl:

so without doing a ton of reading on it, how are the illegal growers selling pot to the legal dispensaries? if that’s happening it’s a problem. not sure how getting rid of a bunch of pot would stabilize the price either. it seems like it would make the price go way up, but i guess if it stays there it’s stabilized. quality i can see going up a tad, but the legal pot here in wv, regulated and controlled to hell and back, is not near the quality that i can grow when i mess a plant up.

Not sure of the exact route, and that’s an assumption on my part. I know a few guys who’ve gotten out of growing medical just because the price got driven down to a point where they didn’t think it was worth it, like under $50/oz.
Different articles have said that “…most of which leaves Maine via I95”. Most of which leaves?, or it all leaves but most of it via I95? idea.
I’m just amazed they’ve let them continue, even after knowing the locations, for the most part. A friend spoke with a country sherrif about it, and he said that Maine’s cannabis laws were to complex, making it hard for enforcement.
“Knock Knock…Hi. Are you growning cannabis?..Yes?..ok, how many plants?..2,400?..ok. Do you have a license?..No?..Ok, you’re under arrest.”
The laws seem pretty clear to me. You can only have 3 mature plants, and only 8 plants total per adult.
I do believe that most small growers are proud of their product, and I think it’s likely a higher quality than what’s happening in the big illegal grows where they just want it packaged up and moved.
As for how it permeates…“Here…you’re going to buy this for $25/oz, and we’ll leave you alone. Yeah, but this is shitty weed!..Yeah, but it’s cheap, you’ll make money, and we’ll leave you alone.”

Why do you want other growers to be arrested?

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So honest growers can make a living?

I don’t believe it’s so black and white, we are finally getting out of prohibition (still a ways to go) and you want more people in jail for growing, just seems silly.


and that’s what makes it difficult for enforcement. it’s a rico act thing now on a federally illegal plant. how to get the feds involved without getting the feds involved sort of thing. if it were just straight up illegal like a meth lab it would be easy to get the national guard involved even. we have the ahidta unit here in wv where they use special forces troops to look for pot, i was almost on the team. that’s why everyone who grows industrial has to have the gps of the location and an aerial picture. should be just that easy, but it isn’t that easy.

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