Circle of the Black Lotus - Bodhi’s Black Lotus Carried to F3 - Co-Op Expansion (CLOSED)

Good idea as those have really short space between branches, very indica style. Reminds me of the way Purple Urkle or Bubba grows. You got some dense and lush lil beasts there.
Very nice progress!

Wonder if the short node stacking is a Snow Lotus trait. Here’s a Blockhead bx pic by Bodhi. It’s got a lot of Paki genes.


Snow Lotus will for sure stacks decent. But it grows like crazy in flower. I expect a food 3-4x jump post 12/12. SL montage engage lol


Looking great @Longtooth i admire your flower tent so roomy organised and clean!!


Those look great


Been a bit since the last update.

The kids are doing well….

Well……most of them…

#2 and #7 - These two are suffering a bit.

Roots don’t seem to be very well developed. Pots are much heavier than the others.

Seems to be maybe a potassium deficiency. (?) Perhaps an hot patch in the coco-loco? @George What do you think?

I hit them with a foliar feeding after this photo.

All of them have had a triple-action neem treatment.

One of the twins seems to have a sibling ^^^ in the same shape

Other twins seem to be ok.

Boo (an indoor only cat) approves


Yes they are, beautiful lush growth! You really dialed-in this strain.
Are you getting any interesting smells from a stem rub of those Jurrassic looking plants?

And lovely guard cat!


Could be, but I don’t see the edges of the leaves affected, I see them tacoing, which could mean heat stress, why did you trim their fan leaves? The rest are beautiful, what happened with these?


@George The fans kept getting steadily worse. Wasn’t sure exactly what was going on but they didn’t really seem to be contributing.

I suspected light stress at first, backed it down to about 70% and pruned the fans and other newer growth as they continued to worsen.

Worried about pests or disease too. -examined closely for mites, isolated, Neemed. No sign other than the tacos and trouble.

Heat is probably the culprit. You and “Occam” agree it seems. :slight_smile:

I thought the same too, but I’m still pretty “wet behind the ears” compared to the experience and expertise of a lot of others here on OG.

They’re in a non-air conditioned garage and it’s been difficult to keep temps down and VPD in an acceptable range, even running at night, venting outside, and keeping active intake into the lung room during the coolest parts of the day/night.

Temps have stayed in the low 90’s even so.

PH issues and questionable media continue to lurk as possibilities.


Yup, Occam was a wise guy :grin:, you can try to change the position of the affected pots, as the other plants are fine I discard nutes deficiencies or bugs, so it should be environmental, the healthier spot looks like near the humidifier … :sweat_smile:


You said the 2 pots were heavier.

I had the same thing happen when the soil wasn’t draining as well as it should. I found it affected PH and caused other stress.
So i gently poked deep down into the affected pots w a bamboo skewer. To loosen up the compacted soil.
These can be found in the bbq or cooking section of most markets and hardware stores.


Word - have those in the kitchen. -pots should be draining well, but you’re right, there could be some hydrophobic or compacted soil. -will create some channels for drainage.


Good, in my case a lot of perlite at the bottom of the pots was blocking proper drainage.

Check to see if the water runoff is cloudy yellow or brown, compared to the healthier plants. Which i suspect have a mostly clear colorless runoff.
My first sign the pots weren’t draining well was a murky brownish runoff.


Things are getting weird over here. Now we got twin cats going on?

Interesting. If you notice, I put all of my girls 5 to a folded down 3gal, with maybe 1.5gal coco/perl/verm/hydroton using GH Trio nutes.

Despite having the same feed and media and being all in the same pot, one of them is definetely struggling to adjust to PH or something, while the others don’t seem to care. He or she is the front pot and plant on the right with discoloration. These haven’t been paid really much of any mind as they’re off to the side and 11/13 from seed. The front pot is 5 seeds planted after the back pot, with maybe 2-3 weeks between or something.

Additionally, I have culled 2 males already - as I have found a strong almost pure Pine recessive that I want to use instead. All of the plants seem to be leaning that weird cologne smell that backyardboogie described. For me, it seems to be somewhere in the ballpark of eucalyptus and hash. Definitely that “cheap mall cologne smell from early 2000’s” lol.

Here is the pine male showing up.

The 5 plants in the very front still haven’t sexed yet since they were planted weeks apart.


Calicos are magic cats…. Mine (I’m really hers vs. her being mine though.) unfortunately has an injection site sarcoma and it’s only a matter of time before she’ll move on. :sob:

The worst irony, trying to help something you love to be healthy and inadvertently introducing the very thing that will likely kill them. -heartbroken. Trying to keep her company and do what I can.

The vet wants me to put her down. I just can’t……:disappointed_relieved::sob::cry:


I am so sorry to hear this! I am sure she is a sweet little thing. I’ve never handled the passing of my pets well through out the years. It can be incredibly difficult to let them go, especially when they’ve been with you for so long through out the years that they’re family to you. Any animal for that matter. I know people say cats don’t care about you, but some cats really are good and sweet. Just often dumb in addition to those qualities (I am thinking of my orange dummy who ate the Christmas tensile off the tree one year and had to be put down…) that one hurt quite a bit. Then his sister passing years later simply from old age.

Treat her right while you got her and maybe spoil her a bit before you make the decision. It is always a tough one.


I feel you :pensive:, I have already buried three dogs, if she is not suffering give her all the love she deserves. This helped me, I know it’s about dogs but the feeling is the same, thanks @grotebag for posting it … :pray:


Oh I definitely do. She’s a straight-up temptations cat-treat junkie. We feed them to her whenever we pass by. She’s been as sweet as she could be to the family for more than 10-years and the dogs are crazy-scared of her. It’s delicious. She takes great comfort in making them uncomfortable.

We’ll all miss her greatly. :crying_cat_face:

On a lighter-note, it’s interesting to me you saw plants with similar issues. At least one of these in my bunch has some leaf variegation. (#6)


Yes! But the variegation doesn’t bother me at all. These plants seem to be pretty uniform to me. Did you find any pine in your boys or girls? So far all of them are the cologne smell or ‘eucalyptus’ hash. But my variegated boy is just straight up the smell of a Pine Tree / Pine Needles. There is no other description or other notes. Just straight pine tree lol. As far as everything else, it looks like the rest of the plants, but maybe jumped a bit more than the girls, which is expected.

I think all of my plants are going to do fine, but it definitely seems like some small fraction may be wonky sensitive and need to be dialed differently.


Totally agreed. It could be a good-sign. I need to try out a few stem rubs at this point. I love me some pine :evergreen_tree: smelling weed.


Love this. Kipling is classic . So many great stories… The sentiment on-target. Our animals are our family.