Cleaning airstones

but if you clean the T’s religiously should I worry that they can clog, let’s say for a 3-4 month grow?

Also how are they clogging if there’s constant outwards pressure, is salt build up that fast? I don’t want to have to be checking if they’re clogged as that’s not something I do with airstones. one less thing to check etc.

The situation I have is that I’m running 31 gal bins… if it’s hard to tell a T isn’t vibrating when there’s multiple T’s going etc.

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They are superior to the air stones, just give it a whirl.

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I will cuz I’m tired of cleaning airstones and then checking their flow rates prior to the next run. thanks for the feedback holmes.

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Since switching to the T’s I push a small screwdriver through the plastic T maybe every other month. You will see reduced bubbles on the surface and you will know it’s time for a clean. It really works great.


Can I get more information regarding the “t”?
I’m currently using airstones and it sure is difficult maintaining them.
The way I understand, is it a t connecter connected to the airline which is weiged down by the stainless steel nut.
Bubbles flow from both ends of the connector. Is that all?


Looks like it. :+1:


Yep that’s it. My only caution is make sure to get stainless steel that won’t rust. They do sell low-grade stainless that will be a ball of rust after a single grow.


Or i could just weigh it down with a peice of ceramic. It’s a good hideout for the microbes as well…:v:t4::herb:


That depends if you want to go sterile or not.

For what it’s worth I have gone bennies and sterile. I used and loved beneficial bacteria for years however since starting in this new house its been inconsistent. So I have switched to the ever popular pool shock mix and well it works.

Good luck no matter your choice


Call me a purist but for $2.99 i’d just buy new ones.


I use two inch by four inch air stones. Best thing I found to do is soak it in bleach. Overnight scrub off with plastic bristle brush. Then pressure cook at 15PSI. For Ninety minutes. Then into the oven at 250° until dry. They can be stored without worrying about Bad guys growing And or use right away…

I find using my air compressor and blowing the blockages out why they are wet works extremely well and it’s an instant difference but look away you may get misted with dirt

i brew mead also so have several different types of “food safe” sanitizing solutions for brewing.

i do not grow hydro, but would think something like starsan or one step would work great for your hydro gear.

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