What do you use for deep cleaning between grows etc

Just as the title suggests I’m curious what everyone uses (if you do) to clean/disinfect and eliminate pathogens etc. from your tents/rooms etc. I’ve been using an h2o2 spray for many many years, spraying/wiping down even in zippers , in between pieces etc. then I like get it nice and hot for 12-24 hours and go back about my business. This is crazy time consuming and always adds extra days/a week + to my regiment….

Just curious what everyone else does?


I just vacuum and wipe down with Lysol or Clorox wipes and change pre filter.


I spray the inside of my tents down with a 10% bleach solution, wipe everything down, and then let the tents open until everything is nice and dry.


I have replaced almost all of my home cleaning products with a hypochlorous generator. I use it in the tent as well.

Pro tip — 1g of salt, 1tsp of vinegar makes 1L of hypochlorous. No need to buy the premixed pods.


mmmm salt and vinegar house.


I spray it all over my chips, for a nice disinfected potato treat.


Spray bottle with bleach and water works for me.


Out of likes already, thanks for all the comments guys. @lefthandseeds i gotta look into that one. AND a new topping for fries/chips! BONUS :raised_hands:t3:


Seems like bleach is the go to so far, there’s a bunch of options out there I’d love one that doesn’t take so much time/effort etc. seems it takes forever to clean one 4x8 thoroughly, idk maybe I’m just lazy.

Ozone generator and bleach water sprayed electrostatic.


Unless I have a very specific bad reason to do a deep clean I don’t bother.


This one intrigues me.

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There’s many more than I thought who actually don’t either @Foreigner


Which? The ozone?

Ya the ozone for sure

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I use a 250ppm bleach solution for walls and most surfaces. For trays and irrigation lines first use diluted 93 sulfuric acid (alternative to green clean) to dislodge possible biofilm which is very resistant to chemicals and then a much stronger bleach solution (alternative to sanidate 5.0) and flush it all out with water later. All with proper PPE is important. facemask gloves eye protection everything. I honestly only do this every few grows though because sometimes I’m a lazy ass haha.

Here’s another article I liked about making a more stable bleach solution for adding to your res and other things. Daniel’s blog is full of great info.


Kills all bacteria mold and insect/larvae and eggs. Also basically everything. You just have to completely power down and seal the whole room as it’s toxic and will kill silently. Also I over do it for like 5 days.

Edit also takes away all smell
And flammable. Will make your area burn way better if lit :laughing:

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Thank you for that @neogitus Ive never found anything that would clean my current culture stuff out completely, especially the tubing and corrugated stuff always ended up scrubbing somewhere/something.

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Bahaha .always a good selling point :wink: I looked into it before but had a lot of concerns but tbh it sounds like one good way to ensure NOTHING remains, especially after an infestation or something like mold spores etc.


It’s a nice thing, someone gave it to me. Works well.