Clones through the mail

My buddy text message me this a couple weeks ago…All I asked for was Trinity, a clone only strain and Blue Thai…anyway he ended up sending me all the strains…we’ve been trading clones for over 17+ years…

This is my buddy’s text message to me below, this message was ment for me.

i can get these clones, if you like anything you see.

Humboldt snow
Purple oaxcan
Afghan phenos 1 and 5
Blue thai

Homemade Strains Thread


Nice selections! I’ve been collecting cuts all year. Only thing I’m still really seeking is mendos breath. I thought I had it, but they sent the wrong cut. No idea what I got and it didn’t hit the spot for me.


Nice haul and nice friend indeed :raised_hands:

Is this shipped inside US out from abroad


@PhilCuisine Purple oaxcan.
im in the states, and i am running a oaxaca by cryptic labs, just a seedling 2 weeks now. un sexed but could be some seed from the two? i would guess you have a fem cut of
i can send seed of the 2 assuming i have a male. if i have a female i can send something in return?
what are your thoughts?


Why was this post moved from Smokers Lounge to the Trading Post? I’m not here to trade just showing what I got in the mail today…


no worries

I have them in water for now because they were in USPS for 6 days…it was supposed to be a 2 day Express shipping…they should perk up by tomorrow morning then they will be put in my cheapo aero cloner to root…


Just don’t accidentally turn them into mojitos.

I’m glad they arrived intact.


They were shipped in a DVD case.I’m excited to grow Trinity, a clone only strain that finishes 45 days and big yield.

Grow information

Only clones or cuttings are available. They grow best indoors, creating a tall, high-yielding plant with a 45-day flowering period. Because of the shorter length of growing time with the advantage of heavy harvests, this cultivar is a grower favorite when available.


The NL1 could be very cool too! Any idea on the provenance of that cut?

I have no idea…one thing I do know, clones that I get from my buddies are always elite clones or clone only strains…


6 days is brutal on cuts. I hope they liven up and throw some nice roots for you!

I recut the stems and it looks like they are perking up as I text…they should be fine by tomorrow morning bromigos…


thats pretty cool @PhilCuisine and a good friend indeed.

i am horrible with clones 50/50 is a good day


Snow…is it the real deal humbolt?


Yes it is, a Indica dominant strain…

Humboldt County, California has been a hotbed of marijuana strains for some time. Humboldt Snow crosses the signature Humboldt with Snow White to offer marijuana enthusiasts a creative, euphoric experience.

Humboldt Snow Experience

This Indica-dominant Hybrid flower combines the Haze-like effects of Humboldt with the fun, upbeat effects of the White Widow-descended Snow White.

Just a few minutes after consumption, marijuana enthusiasts will begin to feel a wave of happiness sweeping over them. Good vibes also ushers in an energizing buzz of creativity that can be all cannabis consumers need to tackle some problem-solving tasks.

As the racier high recedes, a calm and slightly numbing body buzz takes over. Marijuana consumers would be wise to keep some snacks nearby, as this herb can cause some serious munchies.

Inexperienced cannabis consumers should be careful with this strain, as it can occasionally cause anxiety, which is more likely when consumed in larger amounts.


Damn great news,I can never find Trinity seeds but now I see why.


Depending on temperature, I’ve had properly wrapped cuts root fine even after 10 days. cooler is better, as long as it doesn’t freeze!


Was just looking at the package, it was mailed out on 11.22.21 and I just got it today so its 8 days…



I have old friend IN British Columbia, i told him about mailing cuts (plants for that’s matter) lol and he had no idea it was a thing ! I didnt either until O.G.

I never take cloning seriously lol. The one time I took a cut for a laugh ONE l when I topped a plant. I forgot to use rooting gel , and it rooted! Against my 18 other attempts LOL

I ended up growing the plant for 4 months then gave it away lol

I’m going to have to get My friend to send me some of his Unicorns cuts lol

I told him to wrap the roots in wet paper towel in a baggy inn a tube and express them . But I would ask here for other suggestions first!