HELP .I need somebody

Hey folks new to the cloning game and recently some clones are looking a little rough most of them have been transplanted over a week ago with no nutrients receiving about 5,000 lumens temperature is roughly 76° with 60% humidity all the sudden the Clones are bending over in the corner as well noticed little black mushy stems on some of them

The real question at hand is does anyone have any advice on my rooted clones what could be the reason for cupping and droopiness how much water should they receive?all that have been potted have had a good root system

Pic of roots were taken April 28th
This is recent some are deffinstlry doing better then other…some in the cups just got droopy all the sudden …

Now the mushy clones can I cut the stem back and completely clean out the cloner …or does that affect the time span of rooting
Two shout outs @JohnnyPotseed

Anybody I welcome to chime in …I need some good material


The ‘cupping’ is usually heat stress cuz
Droopy leaves are usually from over watering

As for the mushy cuttings, I’d toss em cuz, sorry


At 74 degrees though? prolly deff does get hotter in there mid day
So should my approach be lower temp …how about humidity shoukd I wait till all are dry before watering …
How about nutes wait till they get straightened out ?
Sorry for all the questions bro I just wanna get them straightened out and outta here

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No nutes until you got em right cuz.
the mushy ones, if stem is long enough it might work cutting them back and trying again, not sure there.
Wait until dry before watering again, then only small amounts to judge effect.


I have that exact cloner and had better luck cloning in rapid rooter plugs for some reason. I had mushy, droopy clones and whatnot from the bubble cloner too. Most took too long to root also. Not sure what I did wrong either buy I can clone great by plugs and a dome.

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Thanks they deff did green up petty good some of them anyway and I noticed the drier ones are the healthier of the bunch

I slacked the last time and just threw more clones in replaced of the rooted ones but have washed throughly since…ahh I guess time shall tell …I did cut two back and within a hour they droopedd.thanks for the feed back!

Past two times I had almost 90% success with it !! dome …lower humidity then normal…this time I got caught slacking I think …crazy though switch to another method and have great success. Just goes to show some methods r better then others for certain people!


I’d put a bigger fan on em and raise the lights, or lower the degree of intensity


This is a cheap light has the veg and bloom switch both are running I will flip to the veg wich will push around 3000 lumens!

I’ve had pretty much the same success with trays/humidity domes, as I have with cloners. I had 2 EZClone low profile cloning boxes (64 site & 128 site) also several I made myself. After seeing the time& rate was about the same for any of em, I figured hell with all the electric bills! lol
So switched back to tray/domes


Exactly why I’m asking your opinion sir .a man with many years under his belt lol

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Over all the decades of growing, I’ve encountered just about every problem known to man! lol Glad to help whenever I can, cuz


Honesty didn’t think that cloner worked. If you’ve had great success in the past than obviously I’m doing something wrong with it.

I usually cut my clones, scissor blade rub the lower stems, dip in rooting agent, stick in a wet rockwool plug and boom, clones in a week or so.

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You know it bro !sounds like you got it down …
14 days is the fastest for me not that impressive on speed though

I don’t really care for consistency of the sprayers and the pump has to be dead center and all the nozzles facing the right way yadda yadda .worked good in cooler weather for me but now warmer weathers here …warmer water more bacteria especially with pump running


For my cloning boxes, I always recirculated the water through a chiller


Pro move. :+1:

My biggest problem with the E-Z clone is keeping the res temps down.



EZCloner scimped on 2 things, the size of pump used and the number of emitters. I upped the pump and added more emitters. The pumps always heat up the res temps. So, especially in a commercial setup, where time is money, to lose an entire crop of clones due to high res temps, is not acceptable!

lol I actually helped them improve the box with a couple of tips. The newer boxes have the beveled out port for tubing, i told em use the idea no charge. lol
The first one I got from em didn’t have that, so I cut the 2 sides and bent it out myself.


You are right, the pumps need further work.
But I give them full points on their customer service, I had a bad pump (one pole wasn’t connected so sometimes the pump wouldn’t start). A bit of back and forth and they shipped me a new one… to Canada… and didn’t want to see the old one come back either.
I converted the cloner from pump to 3" round air stone, that got the temps down but the results are still far from OK.



I find it’s strain dependant. My MOB OG was a dick to clone and would take 3 plus weeks no matter what I did.

You all got me curious if I had heat or bacterial issues now with that cloner.

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Speaking of that the ones that are cupping are all the same strain

I gotta lot to learn that’s for chipping in

Now how does this process occur

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I bought 2 water chillers through Amazon (of course,lol) 1 for each cloning box. 5 yrs ago they were just over $500 each. Put a pump into res (bottom of cloning box) running to the chiller, then run the return hose from chiller to the box. I set the chillers at 65 degrees to offset the heat made from 2 pumps. 1 to the chiller, 1 to the manifold. Worked great!
I also had 2 - 6" round airstones in each