What is the percentage of 3-butyric acid in clonex gel

Clonex gel says 3.3g per liter of 3-butyric acid
What percentage is this

I’m comparing it against Hormex 8 and 16 ( 0.8%and 1.6% )



Assuming the same density as water (close enough :wink:)

3.3/1,000 (x100 to get percent) = 0.33%



Thankyou @Gpaw
Now I need Hormex haha

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@Gpaw i see some on here use Hormex 8 ( 0.8% )
Why wouldn’t you use Hormex 16 ( 1.6% )

Upping my game for receiving envelope tek ( unrooted cuts )
: )


I think it depends on what you are cloning.
The stronger formulations are generally for ‘woody’ stems
(…like that French pole vaulter?.. :laughing:)
and the weaker for green stems.



Hahaha : )

Hmm gonna ponder all this while I smoke one

Appreciate your help @Gpaw
: )


I’ve used the hormex 8 in the past but had friends use the 16 instead with equal or better results across the board. fck clonex :joy:


So homex 16 is hot woofer stems
So we can take bigger cuts lol

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Why this label green and not brown ?

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No idea why the difference between labels

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Not a bad price usa eBay

The “Double Dip Method” for the win amigos!



PS, the Clonex I’m using is 0.31% 3-Buty


Dipping the cuts in the jar is how you spread HLVD. Ask me how I know :rofl: :cry:

Gotta pour some out in a small container to use. Or use a syringe or something. Same with the Hormex, tho that’s at least a powder.

What’d you wrap the cut in?


After the double dip I split a Rapid Rooter down one side and slot the stem in. 10-12 days later rooted clones ready to transplant. Hasn’t failed me yet.

Good call on decanting the Clonex @HolyAngel


Has anyone tried foop cloning gel? I have a bottle of that and clonex. Bummed out though the foop has a six month expiration date on it so I doubt I’ll get much use at all… wasn’t cheap either.

Been using the foliage spray tho at least

What’s the ingredients of foop gel ?

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I’m in the line at the airport once I sit down on the plane I’ll google it. It’s a bunch of natural stuff I think.

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@GrouchyOldMan are you ruffing up the stem in any way ?

I’ve been dislodging hairs by using plastic plant id marker and lightly shaving stem up and down befor applying clonex

When I visualise , it’s seams like a good idea
Little micro pin holes for clonex to penetrate ?

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Nope, I used to but found that it didn’t seem to make any difference. I use bleach to sterilize the clippers, have a glass of distilled icewater ready to accept the cuts, then straight to the double dips.

I haven’t seen HLVD here, but I’m going to take your advice to decant a bit of clonex rather than dipping the jar from now on.

FWIW, I’m usually just cloning my own plants in the course of a breeding project, so I don’t deal much with cuts from outside.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I’m not sure but I think seeds can be infected to , to some degree ( scarey if true )

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