Cloning Methods…

Once they showed (can’t remember how long it took) I went to pull them out to toss them but couldn’t believe they had roots.


I took this cut from a (presumed male) plant 2 weeks, 5 days ago; it was from a bottom branch that hadn’t grown out more than a few inches, and would’ve been mulched anyway, so I decided to use it for sexing. I put it in a cup with some water, and stuck it in the flower room. It started showing about a week ago, but just barely, so I figured I’d keep it to be entirely sure; it’s gotten clearer since then. Gonna have to kill the plant, not worth breeding with since it came from a hermie.


A lot of people are utilizing this method for sexing nowadays. Personally I just do the wait n watch thing but I do like the idea very much.


Well I definetly just wait and watch when Im making bud, but right now im hoping to make some crosses.
I want to make Fem crosses, but I only have Reg seeds. So im trying to find the best cost and time efficient way to determine sex.
Once I have every cross I need AND they are female, then I can start making fem pollen and mixing genetics.
I have bags I made so I can isolate crosses. Just doing tests to see if I can make 4 or 5 different crosses in the same tent.
Anyway, so yeah I just need females :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Very specific situation for me. Any other day I would just pop 10 beans and see what I get haha


I’ve been giving it a very low key try with my cuts from topping, just a cup of water with some Ful-Power in it, after a few days I switch that to a very weak Floralicious Plus solution, then into my recycled dirt with some extra coco to weaken it down. So far so good!


I made a thread describing the aeroponics bucket I made for clones and seedlings. I get 100% success with clones using it…


I use my planted aquarium to root clones. Plenty of nutrients in the water, and some LEDs overhead. Works fantastic, and my shrimp munch any algae off the roots as they develop.


This is the second time I’ve heard of this, awesome! I used to be an aquarium hoarder. This I could definitely try out just for fun, I love it !


The more I interact with you the more I think we really need to make this niagara/southern Ontario get together happen, or we need to get out for a fish and shoot the shit. Seems like we’ve got a decent amount in common!



I prefer using 1 gal. containers…I seen people using big tubs but in my opinion it’s unnecessary when 1 gal. container will do…I rooted way over 3K cuttings on that cloning shelf and was always working non-stop for 18+ years…


Hell yes! The good weather is hopefully approaching and I truly can’t wait for it this year! You know I’m in 1000%


Holy crap! That’s awesome 18 years who needs commercial made! and yes you know what it makes SO MUCH SENSE! All of the “pro” products I’ve seen have a small tub as well. But it only has to be enough to hold the water for the sprayer to pick up and/or the bubblers to take action and perform. I actually wrote this down a second ago because after seeing all of these I’m seriously contemplating making another Turboclone of my own.


This is how I make mine


The info that can be obtained on OG alone is truly amazing! Almost every day I’m learning here, honestly. I’ve been doing this for a very long time and you NEVER ever stop learning . And when some of the (HIGHER MINDS) on here converge it can be an absolute treat and a WEALTH of info.


That’s what I thought years ago, why use 5+ gals. of water when 1 gal. of water will work…as long as you know the basic principle of how a cheap aero cloner works…I’ve used a small plastic container that held less then 2 cups of water just to see if it works and it did…


Haha I actually did the same when first trying TINY pump, little air tube and a tiny stone, threw it in a cup and let it go, was so much faster than just sitting in the cup, like 1/2 the time. But it doesn’t take that much longer in my simple dome tbh. But it just makes sense if doing ANY kind of scale , even more than 5-6 at a time or if any need of speed.


EXACTLY how I do mine . Perfect link for anyone who hasn’t done this before. Thank you for that :pray:t2:


Here’s my current cloning station, it holds 13 cuttings but that’s all I need because I don’t do big grows any longer…this black container can hold 1 gal. of water only and it sits underneath a LED strip light on my kitchen counter…


See, That’s perfect for most peoples needs tbh. I’m going to hit the store tomorrow and grab some stuff and throw one together. I know I’m gonna need it anyway


Its cost less than $10-12…you can get the items from Walmart & $1.25 Dollar Tree stores…compare that to the aero garden…

Building a Cheapo-Aero cloning tub