Cloning Methods…

That’s what I thought years ago, why use 5+ gals. of water when 1 gal. of water will work…as long as you know the basic principle of how a cheap aero cloner works…I’ve used a small plastic container that held less then 2 cups of water just to see if it works and it did…


Haha I actually did the same when first trying TINY pump, little air tube and a tiny stone, threw it in a cup and let it go, was so much faster than just sitting in the cup, like 1/2 the time. But it doesn’t take that much longer in my simple dome tbh. But it just makes sense if doing ANY kind of scale , even more than 5-6 at a time or if any need of speed.


EXACTLY how I do mine . Perfect link for anyone who hasn’t done this before. Thank you for that :pray:t2:


Here’s my current cloning station, it holds 13 cuttings but that’s all I need because I don’t do big grows any longer…this black container can hold 1 gal. of water only and it sits underneath a LED strip light on my kitchen counter…


See, That’s perfect for most peoples needs tbh. I’m going to hit the store tomorrow and grab some stuff and throw one together. I know I’m gonna need it anyway


Its cost less than $10-12…you can get the items from Walmart & $1.25 Dollar Tree stores…compare that to the aero garden…

Building a Cheapo-Aero cloning tub


My turboklone was just under 200$ after all was said and done, and works the same. Probably shouldn’t have gave it away though :man_facepalming:t2:

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You can save yourself a fortune. Plus customize to suit your needs, and make it basically any shape/size/capacity. If only everyone knew this when just starting up .


I did a cloning test run the other day with about 12 cuttings I took. I labeled them in batches and soaked the stems in some aloe water for 24 hours then right into moistened floraflex cubes and then into the domed tray that holds them. They are just off to the side in my 3x4 veg tent with no direct lighting above them. I had 100% success on them and now I am behind and the roots are growing way out into the water below. It worked pretty well though, there are roots coming out the tops of the pucks as well on a bunch of them, trying to eat anything they can find lol.

I really need to pot them and toss a few more in. I was trying to get a mini SIP container I quickly designed, 3D printed out but then of course my printer ran into an issue and I need to take it apart to fix it now…Story of my life lol.


I’m finding that it really depends on the specific plant as to how long it takes to root. Yes the health of the mother is first and foremost, and most will root for me in 7-10 days using just peat pellets or rooter plugs in a mini greenhouse or dome (any clear large containers works). But some cultivars take 3-4 weeks while others in the same dome will show roots in as little as 5 days. In the domes, The longer it takes them to root, the higher the chance of them getting moldy. I don’t spray or water them unless absolutely necessary. If the dome shows any condensation and the plugs are moist, I leave them alone. If there’s lots of condensation, then vent some more or wipe the top off once a day and let them breath for a min.

Also, I’ve found that giving them lower lighting levels or even shaded will promote faster rooting, giving them too much light takes longer and they will yellow more before rooting (if at all). Plus, good use of small space :sweat_smile:. Combo of seedlings, clones, and cuttings on this shelf


Clone city up in there! :+1:


Haha, I’ve seen that happen many times, after those roots hit the water, they GO! Leave them too long and they all tangle up and grow together, and become a nightmare! See , that method just works!

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That’s a damn clone village with families and all! I actually used to have a walk in closet that looked like that at my old place, that’s why I’m trying to build something more my OCD style for here . Plus I don’t need nearly as many clones any longer so I can make it totally unique now. I forgot to mention about the low light. I use two small 14w each fluorescent bulbs over my clones in a custom built setup with reflector. That’s an EXCELLENT POINT @Seamonkey84 PS I like your style :ok_hand:t2:


Hmmm, you have a shelf that fits right in that tent huh? I was looking at propogation tents actually but it made me think I could make one myself much cheaper and of course customize it.


I use aeroponic sprayers in a diy cloner/Rubbermaid tote I add roots excel to the water. All I do is cut clones stick the end inside an aloe leaf then put in cloner for 7-10 days.


Here @Ftlob this thread was just opened up by TopShelf. There are already a few easy and successful clone devices and ideas adressed in here. If your still having trouble one of us can help you out. Also a ton of info on the rest of OG here if you do a search.

:v: :blush: :latin_cross: :heart:


I don’t need nearly so many myself either, but a lot of that was back up clones/cuttings from pheno hunting, replacing old bonsai moms, and also new strains I got as cuttings. Keeps me busy lol.
By bonsai moms, I’ve kinda taken it a bit extreme. I’ve learned to maintain and pack them tight like this. Heavy feeding and constant pruning.

This is my shelf of bonsai moms and some clones that I’m growing out to bloom

Oh, this is a 2in1 tent, the veg space has a built in shelf, but my new veg tent will have a wire shelf rack put into it as well.

Note to anyone any everyone keeping mother plants and doing a continuous grow with no down/fallow time. Keep up with a preventative treatment regimen! As you can imagine, with conditions like mine, bugs and disease can spread rapidly. Even if it’s not from takin in clones, bugs can easily hitch a ride in on your cloths (or pets!).


Awesome brother! Thank you! I’ll definitely head up to the top and check it out ! Peace


I built one. Cut stems at a 45 and then dip in clonex gel.
Air stone in the bucket.

Also bought one.
Cut on a 45 and dip in clonex gel.


Awesome guys! Love everyone’s ideas, pictures, links as well . Thank you all for your contributions and input to the thread so far.