Cloning Methods…

Due to HPLVD I stopped using aerocloners at all, ever. It has taken me a long time to get my clone game down tight but I am in the mid to high 90th percentile in success, even with stubborn cultivars.

This is what I call 50/50 tech. The first half is 1000% hands-off, and the second half is daily interaction

  • I soak rapid rooters (preferred) or rockwool cubes in full-strength Jack’s PH 5.9. I relieve them of about 1/2 of their water weight, pre-stick the hole, and place them in a checkerboard fashion in a tray.

  • For rapid rooters I prefer deep cell inserts as they prevent them from drying out as fast.I add about 1 cup of solution to the bottom of the tray so if they dry roots will aim for water

  • I take cuttings about 6"-7" long, strip the lower half, and place them in chlorinated tap water to rest

  • When I am ready to clone, I use scissors to scrape the node above my cut and then I cut them all to length about an inch below a node. 45-degree cut and straight into cloning solution and coat them well if gel, or soak for about 30-60 seconds if it is my homemade solution.

  • I stick them, spray everything with sulfur, dome them and DO NOT TOUCH THEM for 5-6 days. Don’t even fucking peak at them. (Think of it as the oven door while you’re baking a cake. I promise you they are all still in there.)

  • Day 6: un-dome, wipe inside of dome dry, spray it with ISO, and wipe it down again. I use the dome to fan the plants for a couple of minutes and let them air out. replace the dome with vents halfway open

  • Day 7-8, repeat above but open vents 100%, some roots should begin to pop.

  • Day 9-onward. Undome daily waft plantlets with fresh air, leave undomed a little longer Anything with roots gets more food. Anything without roots gets PH’d water but only if the cube/plug is drying out.

These are ALL at Day 8: