Cloning Methods…

I figured that thing didn’t work very well but I stand corrected @Oldguy very nice! 5 days ! That’s killer even 10 is good. I’ve told people not to waste their money on that model. Oops :grimacing:


Well @Seamonkey84
None that I could see at the time.
But that was the first run with the cloner. And I prob left them too long in there.

Here they are a week later.

But thanks for the info bout planting sooner.
I’ll try that this next run with some.
Appreciated. :pray:


I’ve seen where the air pump doesn’t last very long for multiple cycles back to back.

But for me only doing a few runs a year it should serve my purposes just fine :+1:



The pink styrofoam works…as the plant stalks get thicker the styrofoam holds them in place and my plants wont tip over specially when they have a big ass root ball keeping the plant up right folks…and you’re right it was free because I saw them fly off a pickup truck that was in front of me…btw, it’s also reusable also.

Also nothing but net…


Cup o’ Water, and a scrape, KISS, lol!


I’ve gotten lazy and just stuck a handful of cuttings in a cup of water, more to hold onto them instead of throwing away. Most of the time they just rot if i don’t end up putting them into plugs, I’ve only had 3 or 4 ever root for me doing it this way. Granted, I was just topping off the water and not changing it, so they can get kinda scummy.


Always works for me …. Simple and effective. Love it

I’m a total slacker, I rarely even change the water, lol!

Recently, I was cleaning out some lower larf, and stuck a few cuts in a cup, in low light part of the bloom area. Lights at 10/14. I found them a couple of weeks later with roots. I didn’t even scrape them.

Usually they are in corner of a cabinet running 16/8, and sometimes they can take 30 days. I’ll try to remember to do both ways next time .

Seems the more complicated I try to make cloning, the worse the results :slight_smile:

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Lol, that’s basically how I keep cuts/moms in stasis. I find you can keep them basically as infants for a very long time this way . They take up no food, almost no light and very little water. I change once a week in this case and is the only time I use straight tap water

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This is exactly the method I use with great success. Kudos Mr Green.

The Double Dipping thing makes all the difference. Double dip then into a slit in the RapidRooter. Then only bottom water to draw the roots down and out. Humid hood & warmth.

It just works.

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I use those Styrofoam hair rollers from the dollar store. They just have a paper clip on the inside so they can bend.
I take those out and then cut the rollers to about an inch or less. Cut holes in a lid for them to fit, and then place the cuts in the roller. I think they are each about 5 inches long. Comes in a pack of 5. So thats about 25/50 clones holders for a buck.


If you like to root that way you should look into willow water. It’s easy to make if the kind that grow in creeks are local to you :+1:


Ran outta likes way up there! Really appreciate the solid information ! I think I’ve been over watering and giving way to much light(I always thought yellowing was due to not enough light ) and probably to much of the wrong spectrum ! I also made up a honey ,Aloe cinnamon solution,I’m too far from any hydro store for any clonex atm, and will be collecting all the parts for a cloning bucket,(I think I only need a submersible heater and air stone yet) can’t express how I appreciate all the info in one solid spot ! I’ll be back ,hope to have more likes to continue on !


We have willows I’ve gathered, steeped, and tried. It really wasn’t much faster for me!

I’ve also tried honey, aloe gel, and fresh aloe, and aspirin. They all do work, and more quickly, by a hair, lol. I’m not usually in a hurry. But that’s a good tip… salacylic acid. It’s probably what Clonex is :slight_smile:


Thanks for the heads up on this thread @TopShelfTrees1
I’ve got so many ideas now that I like better than what I have come up with. I have limited experience at this so take it as such. lol
Up until now all I did was use Clonex on a scuffed up cutting and put it straight into dirt. It worked, kinda.
Anyway, here is what I came up with.
These are GDP’s that are just practice and destined to die.

I made it floating because there are times that I’m out of commission for a week or more. This way, I don’t have to worry about the water level getting to low and not keeping the roots moist.
I dome but it’s vented so I expect the water level to drop.
That’s one less thing to worry about.
I know it’s on the cheap but that’s my way for the most part.
What do you all think? Just wondering and you won’t offend. :slight_smile: I have a very thick hide and it’s for the benefit of all anyway, good or bad. :slight_smile:


Hey, if it works for you, awesome! I love seeing what people come up with! I actually like the styrofoam idea as I would imagine it would retain heat, I like to involve a heat mat in the process and keep it between 75 and 80 but find depending where it’s located it’s constantly fluctuating even with my heat mat controller. Also it can be replaced for next to nothing. I find the more agitation at the surface the better so those big bubblers must help with that too. I just love these as opposed to messing with them daily and utilizing multiple domes (sometimes 4) because they have to be placed so far apart In my mondi/grodan setups .


Seen something similar done with a foam plate! Should work. :+1::seedling:


Oh yeah. Since you mentioned that. I do have a reptile pad under the container.


Clonex has the plant hormone IBA. Here is a link with some info on it.


Thanks ReikoX. You guys have it down pat. I love this forum because I get so many viewpoints on how to get things lined out. I don’t know how many years of trial and error that this place has saved me. :slight_smile: