ColeLennon's Outdoor 10x10 "Gauntlet of Med Clones"

That fat bastard is some serious ganga. :fire:


It’s suppose to be 85 degrees next Friday following Monday 58 :rofl: WTF


Yea man crazy swings, was just 90, now its like 67. Did this happen back in the day & i just don’t remember it because young ppl don’t look at the weather?


I know it crazy shit. Gonna be 80 here.


The way to weather is going these guys will end up on the deck in a week and in their 30 gallon pots by May 10th.

Going to start replacing five of my six pots with smart pots. I like how the one I used last year is holding up. I’m also dropping some mykos pellets on top of medium in small pots. I will be adding mykos to the transplant holes when I transplant. I used it last year and I believe it helps. I will be spreading some Calcitic lime on the soil in my garden plot under the 30 gallon smart pots.

90’s Kush @Bobgrows is catching up quick

DJ Short Blueberry is coming into its own.

Purple Queens

Wonder Dawgs need this outdoor light.


What are you going to use for a magnesium source?

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I will use multiple sources.

Bushdoctor Cal Mag

I am also amending these pots with some vermiculite I have laying around.


Very nice… should work great. I am going to use dolomite lime and gypsum see how that works. I am shooting for the 10 of May also or somewhere in that time frame…

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Looking forward to it. :sunglasses:

One pot down, 4 to go. These vivosun pots held up pretty good for 5-25.00.
Grew lots of algae but held all the roots. I expected holes in the bottom where roots came out. Nope. I got 2 years out of them. I’m hoping these smart pots go 5.

PVC and New Spicket are ready for action.


wow alot of progress there today, your grow is going to be on point this year. This years gauntlet is going to be epic


Plants are looking good :+1:

Out of curiosity, why the calcitic lime?

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I’ve always used it. I don’t use much. 1 cup per 30-gallon pot. Then about 3 weeks bloom I top feed another 1/3 of cup. I never Ph anything, not even my tap water. I’ve never Ph’d “ever”. It keeps my ph stable. It also provides Cal-Mag.


Lookin good bud.
Yeah, the temp swings are soon gonna be crazy here aswell. I’m talking 50° swings between night and day sometimes, lol.


Had the girls on 16/8 last few days. Put outside the last couple mornings. Come tomorrow morning they will be on the deck full time. In they’re 30 gallon pots within the week.


weather is starting to get alot better, you should be in good shape for planting. I am going to try and get mine out end of next week.


Have the helmets ready. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Yea picking up tomato cages tomorrow, along with some other stuff. Hope we have a good start to the season this year


Yeah, you just got to watch out for those ground and pounds. Wind and rain. We had a big one last June for 3 days.


Today is the day the crew stays outside. They will be on the deck until I finish replacing the medium in new smart pots. I pulled a muscle “tore” in my back 2 weeks ago. I have to wear a lidocaine patch and load up on CBD to function at the moment. I didn’t take the tear seriously 2 weeks ago and I’m basically starting over on healing because I won’t just rest. :rofl:
From your left
2 Wonder Dawgs topped for a second time yesterday.
2 Purple Queens untouched.
DJ Short Blueberry topped once “going to be a beauty”
90’s Kush @Bobgrows is bringing up the rear and fast.
I will be giving them supplemental light from my porch light for an hour after dark to keep them at 15 hours of light.