Common Traits Of Males & Females When Breeding

S3 or s4 so can achieve the same results in creating an excellent outcrosser. Can do in a year or bit more if you focus and haul ass.


Here’s a selection of plant breeding docs I’ve collected: Breeding Info



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Yeahhhhh, but selfing shit really weirds me out. I know it’s a necessary thing sometimes, if you’re looking to propagate “clone-onlys” or whatever, but I personally wouldn’t self anything if I was looking to make some seeds. Wouldn’t grow S1’s, either, although I know a ton of people do.


Happens in nature all the time! Just gets weird if your old lady claims parthenogenesis because the kid doesn’t look like you haha!


lilmanbigplan said that the freakiest plants in the F1s of freakshow hybrids are all males. I can now confirm this. I grabbed only the absolute freakiest from the first batch. The other batch isn’t sexable just yet, but I’ll know soon if there are hopefully some females with a little less freakiness, or if its all the way gone in all females. I’m also trying to sort out this other mutant multileaf which is similar, in that the most flamboyant of plants are more likely to be males but its not 100%. So something with some leaf mutations has something going on with males… probably. lol.
I am curious about seed coats. I’m sure I once read that red corn kernels are attached to the moms. I got 2 keeper ogXgelato sisters from seedsman that both threw seeds with zero stripes, so I get to play with those. I also recently realized how male flower shapes(before they open) are shaped an awful lot like a seed is shaped which has me curious. I recently had a male auto that had flowers with long points on the ends like some really pointy seeds. Unfortunately he was sterile :frowning:
picture is of stripeless ogxgelato seeds pollinated by newberryXtangie in the middle. I’m currently backcrossing them both with males from their respective offspring. Keeping them separate for now. The other seeds are unrelated.