Differences in which plant you choose to reverse for feminized crosses?

I think I read somewhere that the mother of the feminized cross is more prone to dominate the reversed plants traits in the progeny/genetic pool.

Is there any truth to this?

Are there any differences at all regarding which female you choose to reverse and pollinate with?


For me S1 means selfing a female so both sides are the same plant. :confused:

Edit: OP referred to what is now called ā€œfeminized crossā€ as ā€œS1ā€ initially.


I could be making this more complicated than it has to be :joy:.

But Iā€™d love to hear from people experienced in this if there is indeed a difference in which plant you choose to reverse.


Yes selfing or s1 is to itself. If using two diff plants it would be an f1. But the general rule is whichever you want more should be the female as all the girls of the offspring will show more mom traits


is that true?

Yeah I mean an s1 cross.

Ok yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard and was wondering if it was true.

Thank you.

This makes my job a lot harder though lol.

Iā€™ll have to reverse everything onto my select sour bubble female. Oh well. I guess Iā€™ll have to figure out some way to do this efficiently.

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If you are using two females of different strains and pollinating one with pollen from the other after reversal which one is the dominate one?

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m asking yes :joy:.

Ok I think I made the question less confusing now. Hopefully lol!

I could see you typing lol, well thats the million dollar question.

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Wellā€¦ I donā€™t have a million dollars :slightly_frowning_face::joy:!

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S1 means selfed. Which would be done by pollinating ITSELF or another cutting from its SELF. If youre taking an og kush, reversing it and pollinating a blue dream, thats a traditional feminized f1.


So feminized cross.

Excuse my terminology :joy::pray:


Cool so the S1 isnt a cross its just a way to perpetuate that line, but the F1 is a hybbrid or polybrid depending on the lineage of the two fems.
So which female F1 is dominant?


Weā€™re back to the million dollar question lolā€¦

But I think general consensus is the pollen receiver will dominate the genetic pool over the pollen donor.

Idk Iā€™m excited to see what others have to say also.


Same bro its intriguingšŸ˜•


Id say whichever has the more dominate genes. You wont see the girl if she has recessive genes.
And youll only know which has more dominate genetics by crossing them and seeing.


Well of course. But at a base level Iā€™d like to know if one is more prone to dominate than the other basically.

Youā€™ve apparently heard the same thing I did. So it musta came from somewhere. And probably has a bit, or a lot of truth to it.

You guys have brought up a good point every post. I must have edited this thing 5 times now :unamused::joy:ā€¦


Thanks @lotus710 weā€™ll run with thatšŸ‘

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Its not a made up story Thats how genetics work. They have been studying genetics and breeding for a looonnggg time. Humans, animals, plants, fungi. If you wanna learn about breeding look into some books like the principles of plant genetics and breeding by george acquaah :grin: :purple_heart:

Thatā€™s absolutely correct @lotus710 . Each offspring will have dominant and recessive traits expressed, some will have more dominant traits of one parent than another and then some will have both. Itā€™s identifying the traits and then searching which plant has more desirable traits to work with. For example a phenotype of Chocolate Haze was dominant in purpling as a mostly sativa, so that tells me itā€™s of Purple Thai lineage and recessive to Chocolope. Takes time to learn @CARE_giver Study your plants and you will get a feel for it