(complete)1981 Roadkill Skunk

At that price momalag would kick my ass


Hi i tried to put my name at #36 but twice it dissapeared can someone please help

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Country the netherlands (Holland)

Oh hell yeah :metal::metal::metal::metal:

Man I accidentally hit flag or something I couldn’t get it to work either but I did finally Sorry if I jacked something up. Thanks my misterbee and brother upstate

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I smoked skunk weed, that is what we called it, in 1982 @Upstate. I kept mine in 3 bags. 2 could not contain the smell. Was just like a skunk had sprayed. A local was growing it…those were the days.


Was SUPER FORTUNATE, didn’t have to do anything but ask, only to accept the generous/kind offer. Really, really indebted to the person donating these Babies, another testament to OG Cred. When I saw how much the Original Breeder was charging (and getting!!), I was like “Whoa, too rich for my blood”. But, we got 'em, thus OG has 'em, hopefully “beans aplenty” when they’re finally run. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Even though I didn’t pay anything for 'em, I didn’t dare mention their worth to Queen :honeybee:, she surely would have stuck her hand out, motioning for me to give up the Credit Cards. NEVER AGAIN, she’s a serious CFO!!!


Trying to add you @tamimes but you are editing the wiki

EDIT: Ok you are set and I put :netherlands: flag.


I am super pumped for this one. Have been disappointed by skunk offerings many times. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Many thanks so i was doing it wrong?


Can’t really say as I am not sure what you were doing. The steps are click edit, place cursor beside empty number, hit space bar, add @tamimes :netherlands: and than save.


So glad this is my first OG run. Love you guys. I know we will find something special.

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I have a pack of these going right now from hemie. They were the white puck. I believe he has had several release of this. Secret Santa genetics has found some good ones. I have found that the males that display the purple earlier on and the females that herm have the stank so far.
I’ll have to catch up on this as I breezed through to get to here. But I will have some of these done cooking :shallow_pan_of_food: in about 2 months!!!
He also sent me some of his Cambodian that I also have going at the moment.


Kickass @Kushking902, @Upstate , and @misterbee! Thanks for making the ultimate roadkill hunt possible!


And when you open your Front Door, you’ll get hit with a Dump Truck load of Dibs!!! Good continued success on your professional endeavors, Bro, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I know we all spoke of Wiki editing so I made a quick thread on it. Feel free to pop by and add suggestions to the thread so we can help guide some of the newer folk. Might make life easier for all.


Crap, I didn’t know what was going on either. We never had these sorts of numbers for co-ops in the past and nobody was ever so excited that it caused a problem. We had more in the lines of 40ish peeps on each one. I had never seen that issue before today. Good to know.


I have seen this on several sign ups. If it is a sign of things to come better to get ahead of it now and avoid future frustration IMO.


Thanks Kushking902 and donors for giving me this opportunity to grow this “urban legend”. Have read tons od posts of people looking for it and talking marvellous stors about her, wishing to find out the truth by myself, glad to see you keep the OG spirit flame alive … beer3|nullxnull


wow roadkill is popular lol, this morning was nothing here, got home from long trip to dr.'s and wowsers 119 posts it says