(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

This plant is amazing!!

I like this structure, a big central cola e mutiples side branches.

This leaves yellowing, its because she is in the final stage or is a diferent pheno than others ?

Nice garden bro, congrats for the amazing work.


Have to make zoom on the first female picture. I thought that that were pollen over her, but, wtf! Is loaded of trichs all the leafs!

Happy growing!!


I went through all 843 posts and found no wiki lol I assume you haven’t made one yet beautiful job @DougDawson


Lol Doc, I did the same thing yesterday.
And Thanks @DougDawson for the refresherz on Seed Runs… actually confirmed my participation on a few of them as a result. Its a tight ship Sir


Yeah, that plant has had issues with yellowing since the beginning. Seems healthy enough so I have left it. Not going to mix seperate nutes for the one plant to try to green it up.

No wiki yet. I was going to put one up but with the Co-op rules being enforced now, it means going through every signup, and I just have not had a day or two to waste on that. The last sign up was only a 20-person and a complete disaster. I don’t even want to think about the mess 150 person signup will create. I will figure something out.


I appreciate you doing the wiki contests to get everyone on the same page, but I’ve noticed even seasoned OGers overwriting others without a care. It’s kinda crazy and super disrespectful. We are all busy with life outside OG, but it only takes a couple seconds to wait until someone completes their edit. We can’t always get our favorite numbers. Thanks again for all your generosity DD!


Looks great! Hope life slows down a little for you to take some downtime.


Definitely agree with you @Emeraldgreen I also have been noticing that you’re doing an AWESOME job with these grows and giveaways auctions fundraiser’s and just being an example of what OGers like myself look up to thank you but just take time for YOU and I think u deserve it but just a​:pinching_hand: :crazy_face:tiny bit! Happy Growing The Doc


That is a ton of work you’re doing for us and is truly appreciated!


Yeah, since I started signing up for stuff, there is always write overs. Was over written on the first wiki I attempted to sign up to and it’s not a very welcoming experience when you are fresh. I hope that we figured out something that would help.

Pz :v:t2:


Perhaps we could trial a reservation system for sign ups. It might slow down the initial rush to sign up as well as give people who may otherwise be busy an opportunity to get on the list.

DIBS :rofl:


Hi @DougDawson , another form, that probably will give less mess to the inscribers, but more for the people who create the wiki is a “divide and win”.
Divide the inscription in multiple post, 15 or so por post, so in total 10 inscriptions post to let people choose. So “suppossedly”… Will be less mess to inscribe. But more work for the wiki creator.

Happy growings


Why don’t you do the trust level 3 sign ups 1st and then reopen to the T-Level 2’s …

It would make it a lot less messier than it has been recently …?!

Just an option, @DougDawson:facepunch:.

Happy growing peeps


It’s one of the options I have looked at, problem is the posts will still need to be gone through and it’s very time consuming. I will try to tackle the signup after I finish shipping the auction lots.


Ok so a quick update for you all. The plants are progressing fine and I can see many seeds poking out of the buds. Life is good.

Now for the pollen collection. One of the males, my favorite that had a nice berry smell, has pretty much stopped dropping pollen. Only got a minor dusting from it tonight. That said the other males are still putting out some. Was quite surprised when I weighed tonights collection and got another 8.5 grams to add to the pile. While I would love to reduce the workload a bit I just cannot kill them yet. I may get rid of one but I will keep collecting till it’s just not worth it any more. Right now that’s just not the case so fed them again and will let them continue.


They all look incredible Doug. They look so different each time I see them, it’s getting crazier by the day I there :green_heart:

I can’t wait to see the results of this run. Such and amazing grower.


Thanks bud, I appreciate it :pray:


Wow! Those are beautiful!!! Nice work…bet you can’t wait for harvest!! :blush:


Yeah, I am looking forward to that. Also to seeing if those new BMR seeds grow. I must admit that’s been driving me crazy since I got them. When I am down to the last couple weeks I will plant them so it should be soon.


What an incredible amount of pollen! So much work and you take it all in stride. I’ll get there someday soon. I’m quite sure those new seeds are gonna jump outta the ground like Michael Jordan, no need to stress brother.