(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Thank you to the high homie @DougDawson for making this happen! :muscle:


Yup, thatā€™s a fact and is written in big bold letters right above the signup. On top of being rude to someone else, these people create a ton of work for the action group as we have to go through it all now. Forcing me to give up my evening to check all the edits, of which there are way more then there should be, is not a great way to say thanks :frowning_face: Just saying.


zone 5 around 44 N


Iā€™m sorry, Doug. A few (edits) were me, because I put myself on the wrong list at first and was trying to double and triple check myself (you will find my now withdrawn, explanation of this a few posts above. I had to go re-read the pinned TL explanation thread (because I somehow had it backwards in my head this morning) just to double check. Youā€™re right; that was rude of me to make an edit before I was 100% totally sure of what I was going to be writing down and where.
My actions belie my appreciation of your skills and generosity


No problem @gratefulned. Itā€™s not so much the extra edits to add a flag or correct something, although not ideal, itā€™s more about those overwriting others. Itā€™s become such a large issue that we are forced to check each edit and have started booting those off the list who overwrite others. If an overwrite occurs we must now find it, see who was overwritten and correct. Sometimes folks overwrite a whole group. Itā€™s just becoming a painful and time consuming issue that should not exist.


ā€œCopy thatā€ :ok_hand: Just trying to be on the ā€œsolutionā€ side vs the ā€œpart of the problemā€ side :yellow_heart:


I wasnt going to say anything but I donā€™t want you to have to look thru every edit either, I was overwritten on edit #41 I believe.


Thanx for coming through yet again DD! Excellent effort towards keeping the Blue Kush around for many years to come:)


Nothing I can do right now @BeagleZ . Going through edits on a phone screen is just not doable.


Itā€™s all good brother, I got back on. Was just trying to make your life a little easier. Appreciate ya @DougDawson


Thank you for what you do for the OG community @DougDawson


Thank you @DougDawson for the hard work you put into the Blue Kush presentation!! It was awesome watching it all progress!! Job well done brother!!


Nothing wrong with editsā€¦itā€™s overwriting thatā€™s pretty rude.


Wanted to avoid the WiKi stress excitado|nullxnull and almost lost a free spot :sweat_smile:, thanks Doug for all your hard work and great success ā€¦ Aplausos|nullxnull


Waited till the dust settled on this one, thank you very much Doug for your effort doing this run AND the BMR simultaneously.


I donā€™t overwrite lol I keep trying until it takes. It took a minute to find a number that wasnā€™t already being edited. I just keep starting over. It asks you if ya want to overwrite it, click no, start over.:peace_symbol:


It literally takes a few more secondsā€¦heck Iā€™ve even had to redo 4 or 5 timesā€¦20 seconds of my life Iā€™ll never get back. The horrorā€¦


Iā€™d like to see stats. Something along the lines of

114 people signed up and it took 206 edits. 3 overwrites occurred and 2 people added others. There were multiple saves with no changes and 2 people won he game by saving with no changes 5-6 times each before finally adding their names. There were also a few people who broke the no re-editing the wiki once you have added your name rule by adding flags or changing their locations in the lists.

That would be cool.


amazing bro! thank you for the opportunity to grow this genetics

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I am working on that now and I stand corrected. This multiple edit BS is causing me a ton of grief. I see some folks edited 3, 4 and possibly 5 times. WTF? When a wiki is busy it really causes grief and multiplies the chances for a problem if the same person is editing over and over. Not sure why folks canā€™t just add their name plus their flag and move on. If they get overwritten that will be resolved when we check the wiki. They can always tag the action group stating they were overwritten.