(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Yes, TL3 is trust level 3 or regular. You are TL2 or Member status so you sign up under TL2


Sorry you have to waste your time doing thisā€¦
I mean , really-- considering itā€™s NOT a ā€˜time sensitiveā€™ sign-up or a contestā€¦ people need to slow down, and be considerate.


@DougDawson awesome thank you, also last question is there a list in here for the tl2? And if so how do you sign up. And sorry I suck at the internet this is the first computer I have bought in the last 13 years.

Doug let me ask, as Iā€™m unclear on a point. @LedZeppelin touched on part of itā€¦

After clicking edit, and your the only avatar/member at the momentā€¦ which is when you want to attempt. While editing someone else comes in and starts efitingā€¦ not backing out and allowing you to finish. Then you save edit only to be denied, so ya back out and try yet again.

Is each time that scenario above happensā€¦ is that counted as an edit? It took me probably 10 attempts to success, but forgot the flagā€¦


Appreciate the preservation effort man! Great to see all the effort going in BOGs strains.

I forgot my flag also. I am an idiot


We can be idiots together!

because I forgot too.
But everyone knows where Missouri is. lol


Thats up in Alberta right? Next to Calgary? :crazy_face:


2 stoners, we will get it right one day @MoBilly :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™d say we got it right.


Overwrites are not usually malicious, they are just accidents that any of us might make if we maybe accidentally double-click instead of click, or if we misread the dialog boxes when our adrenaline is maxed out and we are possibly rushing a little bit :sweat_smile:

The server maintains the master list. The master list reflects the order entered by the users, and when someone saves their edit the server updates that master list.

  • At any point in time, when you click on edit you will see a window containing a copy of the master list that is a snapshot of the master list from the time that you opened your window.
  • Before you save your edit, and the master list is updated, anyone else who opens an edit window will be looking at the same snapshot of the master list as you are - a hundred people can have a mirror copy of the same master list open at the same time!
  • If one of the potentially 100+ of us other users with open edit windows :joy: saves our edit, the master list is updated and from that time forward you and all the other users who are still working on those out-of-sync copies of the master list will get a message when you try to save that is letting you know someone else has already modified the master list in between the time that you had originally started editing and when you hit save.

Now imagine that you have been happily editing and in that brief time five or six people save their edits and it is all good for them. Now you or any one of the other people who are all working on the same copy of the master list will see that warning message and if you save at that time that will overwrite the five or six people who have since saved their changes. All the overwrites in this wiki were instances where the above scenario fits the bill: The overwrites I see were from the next person to post a non-empty post which strongly suggests the over-writer accidentally hit accept and overwrite while working on the same snapshot of the Master list as the person they overwrote and were not targeting anyone in particularā€¦ The over-writer was just adding their name to the list from their computer that did not have the updates to the master list from the other people who had successfully saved their edits after the over-writer opened their edit window and before the over-writer hit save. It could happen to anyone! But, if so, hopefully only once.
:sweat_smile: :v:


To be honest I would have to test that to find out. I wouldnā€™t think so as it was canceled so technically didnā€™t edit but I would have to confirm.


As for the flag issue folks, I think this was clearly folks rushing too get on the list and it caused problems. By dropping your screen name and saving as fast as you can you do have a better chance of getting on the list that very second. However the downside of that is it created a whole bunch of edits that didnā€™t need to happen. So the very act of trying to get on there fast created the issue of the wiki being so clogged. We have been asking for flags for some time now and honestly there is no way that so many just forgot even while seeing flags posted. Anyway itā€™s 9:30pm, I am still dealing with this and need a break. My plants need tending and I have other things to take care of. Will talk to you all soon.


I can say this @GCBudz , I did just click edit and save without changing anything and that counted as an edit.


Great job @DougDawson thank you for making these available for us.
Holy smokes was this place on fire. I got like 300 notifications!


I went back in to add my flag also, sorry for that I figured if I did it you wouldnt have to Doug.


@DougDawson sorry for the re editing I did that to add my flag and Iā€™m probably the person who edited 8 times as with my brain injury and vision I tend to have to re do alot so I sincerely apologise for causing you work Iā€™ve definitely taken in the lesson and I will do my best not to do that in the future. Sorry mateā€‹:fist_right::fist_left:


No worries. In the end folks will be growing Blue Kush. Seeds I made and held in my hands are going to be out there for everyone to enjoy. No matter the work, no matter the time, itā€™s still worth it to me. You all are worth it. :v:


ya i was unaware of that rule either and maybe need to go back and read it all more thoruoughly and will also not make that mistake again. I have a bad habit of speed reading the primary words in paragraphsā€¦ and miss details sometimes.
I have to remember to just start adding the :canada: automatically when i enter seed giveaways or co-op runs.


Thanks again, youā€™re a true gentleman DougšŸ’š