(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Great respect, Sir!

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Normally, I write down my nickname and the flagā€¦ Then copy it so when start edition only have to paste and save.
Less mess, and freeing the wiki in almost no time.



Lol it didnā€™t take long to fill that wiki lol I went to bed and BAM! I woke up and thereā€™s like 6 spaces left on the wiki lol thatā€™s awesome @DougDawson thanks bro all your work is greatly appreciated :slight_smile: I woke up and checked my phone and my OG had 99+ notifications and I seen the BOG edits I was like wooowhoo! Alright! :slight_smile: Then I was like OH Shit! I gotta hurry up thereā€™s only like 6 spaces left :flushed: ! Man I tell ya that wiki was Rockin! Lol thatā€™s awesome Doug almost broke the internet lol :slight_smile:


And I miss anotherā€¦ even had a buddy sending reminders. Was even on last nightā€¦lol.
Good luck all.

P.S. I think the 13th person who forgot to add their flag should lose their spot to @Cartyā€¦


Unless Iā€™m missing something myself, the wiki is still open and there are 12 spots freeā€¦


Yup, I am surprised :open_mouth:


Unfortunateā€¦ all those people who were scrambling to get their names on the list and ended up overwriting someone couldā€™ve just waited 20 minutes, since the list is still open 21 hours later. :stuck_out_tongue:


What a Wiki nightmare for Doug to decipher.


Why did you remove yourself @LedZeppelin ?

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Maybe the same reason I did bro. I saw the aggravation all this nonsense was causing a friend and didnā€™t want to add to it. You went so far out of your way and folks just kept adding more on your shoulders. That pissed me off and I pulled my name.
Besides, I forgot my flag and would not edit. lol


Toss your name back up there @MoBilly , I would prefer to see you get some bud. You followed this run from the start.

Your call man buy there are more than enough to have a pack in your stash to run in the future. Beans last a long time :wink:


OK. Iā€™m in but you have more patience than most brother. I, for one, appreciate the heck out of you for your generous efforts for the community.
Thank you for real.


Cheers Doug, thought I had signed up for this one but apparently not on the list until now :+1:


Glad you are back on there man. I see a ton of names I donā€™t even recognize, your name belongs.

Good to have you aboard @Shadey


Hi There @DougDawson, been following the run since I joined OG and just signed up. Would love the opportunity to run this beautys, also should be my first run on coco. Thanks.


Very cool, hope you enjoy them.


So happy you have put so much effort into preservation of BOG gear. Many of us wouldnā€™t have much access to these genetics if it wasnā€™t for what you do. So sorry you had to deal with the wiki issues. @DougDawson

If overwriting happens on these types of runs itā€™s really being rushed, stoned, both or something. Iā€™m sure no one on here actually tries to erase names of people or anything on purpose, but like was mentioned above, slow down folks and it will be easier on everyone involved.

Iā€™ve yet to overwrite anyone so far since I joined in mid November last year, so I hope to keep my record clean as I always pay close attention when Iā€™m jumping on wikis. If I ever have an issue, I just cancel my edit, then I usually wait even 5-10 minutes, and a lot of the people are on the wiki before me which isnā€™t a big problem ever in my experience, and by then so many people are also not trying to edit at the same time.


absolutely true for me.

I noticed the same thing too, the worst part is that some people donā€™t even have 10/15 hours of reading (there are people registered less than 3 days ago that have hours to do that) ie they are not even lurkers, it seems that if they signed up they reached a member trust level and never came back to the site, they just came back after a few months to put the name on the list.


Just my opinion but I donā€™t mind new users getting in on some Overgrow action, and definitely donā€™t want to start off the dialog by making people feel like strangers, we were all new at some timeā€¦ Tbh new users might have a little more need than some of us longer standing members, some of whom sign up for every single giveaway and already have quite the large arsenals of beans they are donating to new giveaways because they have so many that will never run them.
Plus, as the issue was editing contention, from what I see there were many more mistakes made by long standing members than by new users.


I have no issues with new members, that was not my point. My point was that MoBilly had been following this run since day one and should be on the list.

As for new users being in greater need, I have zero concerns about that man. There are crazy amonts of seeds flying out of OG. Nobody that comes and gets involved has any fear of going without IMO. Being new is not a bad thing bud, as you say, we were all new once. I remember when I joined and was stomped all over by long time members for asking for seeds in the fsfc threads. Certainly not an experience I will give another nor one I will sit by and watch. I remember telling a few that I would be sticking around and getting involved in the community. Pretty sure I can safely say I kept my word :wink: