(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

That is an undeniable fact Jack!


I must say I am surprised to see 6 open spots still on the signup. :thinking: That is odd.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if some sat out the craziness and such. Several, I think, said they would be back later.


Yeah, I will likely have an abundance of these to go far past the list anyway :wink: Life is good.


I agree. When a person gets a few years on them, it becomes quite obvious how precious life is.


If you havenā€™t alreadyā€¦
Get yer butt in there!
Thereā€™s still a couple spots open!! :blush: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :green_heart:

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Sorry bud, I missed this post. There are still 4 spots I believe, you should sign up if you wish.

Thanks for pointing that out @Lady.Zandra63 :v:

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No Probs @DougDawson ā€¦
You already gt your plate full to the maxā€¦
We can ā€˜pitch hitā€™ for ya when/if ya need itā€¦ just holler!

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Thanks for all the hard work Doug! I was wondering when you would have time to open it up and deal with the edits. Sorry it was such a pain, but as you said, people will grow the very seeds you made and BOGs legacy will be carried on in many gardens!! Seems like its filling up a little slower since its not the weekend, not sure


Ok it took some time to get through the remainder of my first plant. By my math there are 2860 seeds from that plant.

So the Co-op obligation is covered. We will talk about an overflow later since I still have 7 more plants to shuck, lol.


Thanks for all the hard work your putting in Doug! Helped get some extra blue kush cards made and almost missed the sign up! Damn that signup went fast. Glad I missed the chaos!!!


That was really cool of you bud. Did you get one of the cards? Are you interested in the pollen?


Thanks @DougDawson I admire all that you do and your generosity. I took the last spot if that cool. I ainā€™t been around long, but Iā€™ve been loving the OG.


So when these go out to distribution, weā€™re do I need to go to pay for shipping, etc.


Totally cool, glad you will be getting some.

So I believe you are in the USA. If thatā€™s the case you go to the DIYgreenlife site and sign up. That is where you will pay for the strains, pay shipping and provide your details. @G-paS is the lovely lady that does all the lifting to get those out to you folks in the USA and also sends the boxes to the other distributors. She is a gem. There will be a post put up when the time comes.


Indubitably! I have never seen you post anything that could even be slightly construed as derogatory towards new or long-standing users, even when they seemed to need it :sweat_smile: You are always a voice of positivity and reason and if anything other posters may have misinterpreted your words which I was attempting to surmount.
I too recall being stomped on for my fist post being an ask for Lavender seeds which were being given away in the thread I posted inā€¦ Such responses can taint the positive tone of a thread that is dedicated to spreading love if someone who comes for some of that love gets hated on for showing up late to the party and is treated like an unwanted outsider. Luckily a couple other OGā€™s reached out directly to me via DM and made sure I had the seeds I was looking for ā€“ and you came through yourself with some awesome skunk seeds when I asked for RKS to another unwelcome reception-- you and those other users are truly deadicated OGā€™s to whom I am sincerely grateful and have utmost respect towards. Thank you for all you do and for being the exemplary OGer that you are.


And ainā€™t it frustrating at times. Especially when my reasoning has left the building.


For sure, It can indeed be quite frustrating for some people who might not be accustomed to being around such a diverse array of personality types, ideologies, andā€¦ perspectives.


AKA oddball stoners. :slight_smile:
My kinda oddballs!
But you are right. Iā€™ve met some great folks on here that are a different breed than I am accustomed to. :laughing:


Donā€™t forget the occasional totally ignorant asshole :roll_eyes: just to keep it real, lol.