(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Home sick for your baby’s? Lol


Yes indeed. After the long journey it was tough to leave them for days. Looking forward to seeing that they are ok. :crossed_fingers:


Ya, those just aren’t any plants you’ve ever grown. Those are miracle plants!


Know the feeling have had bad experience leaving them to be attended by someone that has no clue . To get home and find a bunch of droopy dead or cooked plants.


Yeah, that’s my fear. Had it happen before. All my daughter had to do was feed them once a day and I left 15 gallons of mixed nutes for her. I am sure they will be fine but it will still bug me until I stick my head in the tents.


I travel a lot too so I put a cheap Blink camera in the tent. If I have internet, I can see the plants. No monthly fees, so the one time cost was more than worth it to me to keep my anxiety at bay.


Hey there OG. So back at home and the plants are doing great for the most part. Seems my daughter missed watering the big beast yesterday so it is keeled over and horrible looking.

I had it tied up so it didn’t fall all the way down and has been given a good feeding. While it’s in rough shape, it will still finish it’s job and gave me some pollen tonight.

Now that’s the only bad news and it’s not tragic. Seems the bud sites are all pollinated at this point. The 2 other males looked like they had been sugar coated at a bakery when I came home.

So now the other plants, they are all happy as can be. Bud sites all look pollinated and seeds will be coming.

Now for my pollen collection. You can see for yourself these guys are givers. Collected 7.8 grams of pollen tonight that is currently drying. Now that’s a good haul if I do say so myself. Probably not much use in keeping the males around but I will just to keep collecting till they stop giving. Let’s start thinking about those BMR crosses shall we :thinking:

So I have managed to keep my other tent pretty isolated from the pollen and the plants are looking nice. Guess I will try to keep them for smoke. I am sure it will have some seeds, lol, but should be minimal.

Well that’s it for now. Things are moving along well and it looks like this one is going to be a success. Can’t wait to start seeing seeds popping out at the end of those brown pistils. Have a great night OG. :v:


Bet that male bounces right back by tomorrow.


Thanks for the work you put in man, you do ALOT lol it is appreciated :relaxed:


I think it will, not a big deal. That’s the problem with such small pots and really big plants. Can’t miss a day or they do that, lol. He is going to be just fine. Just sad to see him that way, been growing him for so long now. Then again, I wlll be killing him soon, lol.


still looking beautiful as always! :100: :pray:

it’s really cool to see just how resilient those plants are! :slight_smile: :v:


@DougDawson are you going to save pollen for other projects?

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I will save some pollen for myself, and the rest will be given out to OGers.


So on to tonight’s update. Plants are happy and doing there thing.

Plants in other tent doing fine although the fem seed is moving slowly. I can see a few brown pistils so there will be a couple seeds, lol.

Collected 4.9 grams of pollen tonight to add to the pile.

So there we go, all is well and seeds will start showing soon.


I have no words…
Everytime I check in on your grows, I’m amazed.
Even the genetics you find are amazing.

That Male reminds me of of that monster, Gossomer, from the Looney Tunes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

BOG would be so proud man.


I am so glad this grow is going so well for you Doug. Been a long ride. Almost to the finish line. Plants are looking ready to rain down seeds, so excited


So did mr droopy recover?


He did to an extent, but I think he’s just too heavy to pick his branches back up at this point. He did give me some more pollen :sneezing_face: His leaves picked up.


natural “lst” :sweat_smile:

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Lol, yeah, it’s just so top heavy, and the 0.8 gallon pot doesn’t provide much of a base. Now that the pollen sacks are stacked up, it’s just too much for the poor thing. It’s happy leaning, lol.