(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Yeah and being a JAMMA interface I can always change out the games. It’s pretty cool to play with.

I used Hyperspin as the interface.


Cool Games @DougDawson.
When I was a kid a buddy had a pinball machine. We would play for hours.
Too much fun!


thats awesome man i used to love that shooter arcade game. how much does something like that cost to make i always wanted to make one with some old school arcade hockey games for the man cave lol


that’s so wicked! Street fight on arcades was always the best :stuck_out_tongue: .


Thats epic! :sunglasses:

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That’s very cool doug! I could burn hours on that little unit! :heart_eyes::+1:

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That’s tough to answer as there are so many ways to accomplish it. It would really depend on what you started with and what you wanted to end up with.


Sick, Doug! I love MAME, I have been playing with it since the late 90’s when there weren’t so many games available. My girlfriend and I love Atari super sprint but we always wish we had steering wheel joysticks because its so hard to play without them :joy: I used to spend my free hours downloading every available rom possible but since they are always refactoring the roms they quit working after time so a few years ago bought a complete set online. I once had a Hot Rod joystick and at another time had an old Defender cabinet. The hotrod had a PS2 connector and the cabinet took up too much space for how much it got used so I got rid of all that stuff years ago. I still havr it set up to play on my laptop and a desktop though, they get played all the time!


Have you tried a tank stick?



Those are fine (had the big one with dual sticks and the track ball, and sold it) but it’s cheaper and better to just buy the parts and build your own. I wish I could find some pics of the one I built a few years back.


I have built many an arcade game including one where I built the cabinet from scratch. Just look above at the meme video. Built with a light up panel and all the options one could need. The tank stick is still a solid item that someone just looking to buy an All in one option can enjoy.


Sweet! I have definitely seen those, but not tried one, X-arcade controllers are sweet. I have considered getting one on more than one occasion. They use real Arcade controller parts and so provide the best gaming experience possible. If my gaming machines got more use I would definitely pick one up


I have made three similar controllers for friends in the past. When I was younger I was always making stuff and I still have some old keyboard controllers somewhere that were bought to make more! But now that I am older, I got lazy over time, I prefer to just pay someone else to make stuff for me :sweat_smile:


Snapped a couple pics this morning. Plants are still alive but not for much longer. A couple more days and they will be chopped. Here’s hoping the beans have ripened.


Nice contrast on the last pic…
Slow death on the males and full glory on the girls!


Don’t go getting a fat head like your beautiful girls here, :crazy_face: but OMG bro… you can seriously push a plant right up to it’s edge and getting the most out of your girls… towards the end a slight tip burn as you push them harder before the flush begins… nice touch bro


Yes what a climax to the grow, beautiful plants!


Hey there OG. So it’s that time. Took a bud last night to see our status.

Trimmed it up and shucked the seeds.

Got over 100 good seeds from it so it looks like we will be good.

Plants last look, lol.

And now, they are gone :wink:

When I get back from my holiday they should be ready to start shucking. Watch for a list to go up in a week or so. Man I got a lot of cleaning to do.


Woohoo! Well done @DougDawson !!!


That’s so exciting @DougDawson ! Finally coming to a close :fireworks::sparkler: